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Conversation #8: Metagaming

  • updated

Let me know what you think about this, we definitely had a lot of elaboration on this one so if you feel something is unnecessary and can be trimmed, or if something even needs to be elaborated on further-- let us know! And as always, keep it civil.



Metagaming is the act of using out-of-game information in your roleplay.

This includes info gained from:

  • Discord/Twitch Streams
  • A video/text conversation conducted out of character
  • Information from the #text-rp and #character-bios channels on the Discord
  • Other external communications such as Discord, Teamspeak, etc
  • Knowledge from other characters that you play as

On our server, it is expected that you learn about everything in character and never use anything outside of the game to benefit you, even if you feel like your story or roleplay would be better knowing the information you've heard out of character.

On the topic of using recordings for in character consequences:
Anything streamed or recorded cannot be used to punish the character in RP, for example if a cop wants to do something shady on stream only the people involved in the RP situation can report it from their own perspective.

If you are watching the stream or recording, the footage cannot be used against them in a roleplay scenario. Anyone can claim they are using bodycam footage, which in return can be used as evidence against someone in RP. However, streams and recordings can be used by staff to enforce server rules.

Him Who Robs
Quote from choppa

What I've learned from here is that whenever I'll kidnap someone next time, along with /me takes their phone and radio and /me takes their guns , i will also do /me takes his sunglasses and /me rips his buttons and throws them out the window

Preach it hahahaha


here is 2 examples of IRL camera glasses. The nicest ones record for 24 hours. The cheapest 1-2 hours of battery strength and cost $18 at Walmart. And none are “easily” seen with a lens. Which goes back to what I originally said. If we said one or two styles could be such a thing it’s not unbelievable. It’s just how rules are established to use them. You could of been on peoples camera glasses in public and never knew it. Welcome to 2021. This game is 8 years old. There is plenty that is dated in it. 


I'm late to the party on this one but I feel like there was a break in the civility on this one. I've been going through and taking notes but after reading all your comments this really ended up reducing down to people accusing people of other rulebreaks and making jokes and generally veering away from the conversation I'm asking for with these. I don't like what I'm seeing.

Keep it civil.

New Chance
The device that became a catalyst for a huge surge in wearable tech back in 2012 has officially been pulled from the market. The Google Glass Explorer program came to an end Jan. 19, and the fall of the futuristic eyewear has been regarded as an all-around failure.

This is why we had to just say no recordings period, people people will make up whatever they want to try to get the upper hand and find a way to use things against people. Hence the "Google Glasses" comments we've heard in the past and have said no to. Its too ridiculous. Any extrapolation of this could be used by that allowance... a walkie talkie watch, tracking device implant, recording tie clip... Not to mention people won't be able to identify what kind of glasses you are wearing to and don't care to be bothered to HAVE to do that.

How about I give cops camera of every house robbery so they can just charge everyone with them and claim they have Ring doorbell footage? I don't think we wanna go there...


Right, it's not about what's possible so much as what's fair in RP.  We have camera props (/e camera), security camera furniture items, a bodycam clothing item, & a phone filming emote (/e filmshocking) that all allow for recording in a way that is open & obvious to everyone. I think it's reasonable to assume PD cars, ambulances & taxis would probably be wired up. 

Other than those exceptions with a clear prop involved I agree it should be disallowed.