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Conversation #8: Metagaming

  • updated

Let me know what you think about this, we definitely had a lot of elaboration on this one so if you feel something is unnecessary and can be trimmed, or if something even needs to be elaborated on further-- let us know! And as always, keep it civil.



Metagaming is the act of using out-of-game information in your roleplay.

This includes info gained from:

  • Discord/Twitch Streams
  • A video/text conversation conducted out of character
  • Information from the #text-rp and #character-bios channels on the Discord
  • Other external communications such as Discord, Teamspeak, etc
  • Knowledge from other characters that you play as

On our server, it is expected that you learn about everything in character and never use anything outside of the game to benefit you, even if you feel like your story or roleplay would be better knowing the information you've heard out of character.

On the topic of using recordings for in character consequences:
Anything streamed or recorded cannot be used to punish the character in RP, for example if a cop wants to do something shady on stream only the people involved in the RP situation can report it from their own perspective.

If you are watching the stream or recording, the footage cannot be used against them in a roleplay scenario. Anyone can claim they are using bodycam footage, which in return can be used as evidence against someone in RP. However, streams and recordings can be used by staff to enforce server rules.

I don't overly understand why it's such a big deal for someone to claim they're using a bodycam. Right now, the ONLY reason that bodycam footage is even remotely important is via reporting players for doing wrong.

Big confusion you're making here, as said above.

-> Bodycam footage = Something to be used with IC purposes. Making a lawsuit, filing a complaint against someone with LSPD, anything IC.

-> Reporting players is something OOC.

It's like saying 'take a flight' in discord or OOC chat. Just say 'relog' pls. xD

Quote from Diezel

I think you are confusing recording to report. And recording to share knowledge in an RP environment. If I see you do something and want to put a hit on you and have footage of it. It should be done constructively through RP means

No, I do understand. I also get your point. My statement still stands. I, myself, would never need to or want to share footage with anyone as in RP means such as you described. Given the fact that it kinda would be metagaming, even if you were to be wearing a "GoPro" to use out of city things such as editing software to edit the video, then most likely upload it somewhere like YouTube due to discord's file size limit, then share said video with someone who wasn't even there saying "Yo, we gotta whack this dude for doing blah blah blah". When you should probably just call the person, text them etc saying the same thing. 

It's RP and character building for a reason. If you've built your reputation of not being a liar, said person should just agree right? Get the hype, explain the situation "Alright! Let's go get this guy!" sort of thing. I'll even give you an example of that situation. The other day, car got stolen. I was pretty upset about that. Tried to find out who did it, talked to a few people, few people rolled up to me and we were all getting in the mood to go hunting. Could I have easily sent a small clip to them? Sure. But that's not RP, regardless if I was wearing a GoPro. 

Quote from choppa
I don't overly understand why it's such a big deal for someone to claim they're using a bodycam. Right now, the ONLY reason that bodycam footage is even remotely important is via reporting players for doing wrong.

Big confusion you're making here, as said above.

-> Bodycam footage = Something to be used with IC purposes. Making a lawsuit, filing a complaint against someone with LSPD, anything IC.

-> Reporting players is something OOC.

It's like saying 'take a flight' in discord or OOC chat. Just say 'relog' pls. xD

Yeah, true. I get that... but what do you do to report someone in LSPD? You go to discord, you open a ticket, you submit the footage, the government handles it right? I don't see anything about filing a complaint against an officer. I don't overly know how that goes to be honest, I've never had an issue with law enforcement. Right now, there are no lawsuits. There are no courts. Hence why I said, when the courts open, yeah I understand why that would be more useful. Maybe not in those exact words. I'm talking as in a "right now" situation.

I feel like any footage taken in-game shouldn't be shared regardless. Unless for reporting players, making a court case via bodycam footage. But between citizen to citizen? I don't think so. That's just me.

You go to discord, you open a ticket, you submit the footage, the government handles it right?

There are certain parts of the discord which, even tho' we use them in real life and not directly in the server, are IC channels. Think of these channels the same way we have Facebook groups IRL for the areas we live in. Or Facebook groups for selling cars. Example:

-> vehicle sales channel is an IC channel.

-> instagram is an IC channel.

As far as I know, the services-complaint channel & tickets are IC. But if I'm wrong, anybody correct me. So far I used it to only make IC complaints. I guess it can be used for both, but still. If there's a server rule break then it should be taken to staff directly and staff deals with it. If they break the SOPs then it's an IC complaint and members of command from that department deal with it.

So by "going to discord, opening a ticket" should be treated as writing an e-mail complaint IRL for example. [talking about making department complaints, not staff reports]

Quote from choppa
You go to discord, you open a ticket, you submit the footage, the government handles it right?

There are certain parts of the discord which, even tho' we use them in real life and not directly in the server, are IC channels. Think of these channels the same way we have Facebook groups IRL for the areas we live in. Or Facebook groups for selling cars. Example:

-> vehicle sales channel is an IC channel.

-> instagram is an IC channel.

As far as I know, the services-complaint channel & tickets are IC. But if I'm wrong, anybody correct me. So far I used it to only make IC complaints. I guess it can be used for both, but still. If there's a server rule break then it should be taken to staff directly and staff deals with it. If they break the SOPs then it's an IC complaint and members of command from that department deal with it.

So by "going to discord, opening a ticket" should be treated as writing an e-mail complaint IRL for example. [talking about making department complaints, not staff reports]

Fair enough, that's why I said I don't really know how that works. I've never had to do anything like that, just general questions etc. Been mostly peaceful in my overall experience.

Quote from 50BMG

100% agree with this. otherwise people can start claiming they have a button replaced in their sweater with a camera or a hat with a camera imbedded

The problem I have with this is that the secret camera will magically disappear when they get arrested or kidnapped by a rival gang.  Camera glasses as well all have a lens that is not that hard to spot close up - imagine wearing those to a meeting or deal...  Not a good look.  If I claim to be "always recording" I better be prepared to send that footage to LSPD or anyone else that captures or robs me & asks for it.  For anyone engaged in criminal activity to claim they are recording themselves is a hard sell for me.

Reporting rule breaks or streaming to Twitch etc for entertainment is entirely OOC and not an issue.  I do think people lurk Twitch to meta and wish streamers would use AFK overlays sometimes for sensitive info & locations but that's on them.  Proving where someone learned something is next to impossible so that part of preventing metagaming is really up to the community at large.

Him Who Robs

Either record using your phone or the camera... fuck this camera glasses BS as that in itself leads to powergaming in the sense of you just always have it on when its convenient for you. Imo for clips to be used to have someone arrested etc there should be an act / button press and something that is easily to be like "Oh I see Bob os recording"

Quote from Him Who Robs

Either record using your phone or the camera... fuck this camera glasses BS as that in itself leads to powergaming in the sense of you just always have it on when its convenient for you. Imo for clips to be used to have someone arrested etc there should be an act / button press and something that is easily to be like "Oh I see Bob os recording"

LoL, but it's a legit real thing. How exactly does it lead to powergaming? This it self make zero sense. 

Him Who Robs
Quote from tunkwa

LoL, but it's a legit real thing. How exactly does it lead to powergaming? This it self make zero sense. 

If you dont see it getting abused then "LoL" 

Same with people and these magic dashcams that capture a 360° imagine at all times. Or police bodycams that can see people over walls doing criminal activities.

people get into the habit of becuase I (the player) can see this person doing this that their character could. You dont realise your camera is floating 20ft above. 

Quote from Him Who Robs

If you dont see it getting abused then "LoL" 

Same with people and these magic dashcams that capture a 360° imagine at all times. Or police bodycams that can see people over walls doing criminal activities.

people get into the habit of becuase I (the player) can see this person doing this that their character could. You dont realise your camera is floating 20ft above. 

How can it be abused? And there are dash-cams that utilize 360° tech now a days. Not only that, there are vahicles that have cameras pointed to catch every angle of the car to catch things happening to it. I.E. Tesla. These things ACTUALLY exist. Does this mean that people who have purchased this technology are Powergaming at life?