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Shooting from a car as a Passenger

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I think with the crack down on ramming cars it has become clear that the car chase is almost not existent on the server lately. I have for a long time missed being able to shoot in a vehicle. While it never made sense to me as a driver being able to do this, passengers should. This does not prevent proper initiation. However it does allow chases to happen properly. As of right now if you get into an issue of any kind and it results into a car chase, all you are doing is either waiting for a driving error or hoping the player runs out of gas. It takes away a lot of potential RP and action that makes things quite fun. I come from Serious RP servers and we always had this still. Sometimes you need to bust a cap in someone's ass or in this case tire! It could put an end to a fleeing person. It could put a shit talker to the dirt trash talking someone from a car. 

Why not the driver?

For the most part a driver wouldn't be able to properly aim a weapon unless the car came to a complete stand still. It also would end up becoming too abused in my eyes. A single driver would probably bust shots at a cop consistently in a police chase. I have seen rules made where they were only allowed to shoot forward, but that doesn't remove the issues. However I have had some amazing RP in car chases shooting as a passenger in other places. I think it would bring some great scenarios here too. If you are shooting a gun from a motorcycle it would probably cause you to swerve or possibly crash IRL, obviously depending on the gun but all guns should be on the same point. It would also be hard to aim properly and drive a car, we aren't in a Michael Bay movie. 

Duplicates 2
Shooting out of vehicles

For this one to work it needs to be unfair for the people in the vehicle.  This makes sense as they will be in a moving vehicle so its gonna be MUCH harder to shoot and be accurate.

Id suggest having the guns:

Accuracy lowered by 40%

Recoil upped by 30%

Fire rate lowered by 30%

Reload speed upped by 100% (doubled)

Having these in place means that people who just drive by shoot have a little chance to actually do a tonne of damage to them, this would extend the rp as it could lead into a gang war. 

if its a thing that could be done then I think when the vehicle is stopped that the gun should go back to normal so if after the vehicle is stopped/shotout, then people inside the car still have a chance to fight back.

Drive by

Make drive-bys possible (at least for passengers). I get that the driver shooting might be a bit too much but I don't get why the passengers couldn't. It is realistic and it could bring more RP and more interesting scenarios to the city.

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New Chance
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This is something that the leadership team has discussed and voted on multiple times and each time the decision has been to keep this feature out of the server. There's very little chance for anyone to know that a person inside of a car is going to fire a weapon or even has a weapon giving them no time to react or even know where it came from half the time. This just leads to dead end RP scenarios and doesn't allow for good interactions in a majority of cases. This will also increase the amount of staff situations from people claiming RDM from zero initiation shooting that occur from people inside vehicles.

New Chance
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The staff met again today to discuss this and it was decided that we do not want to allow this on our server again at this time.

New Chance
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This is something that the leadership team has discussed and voted on multiple times and each time the decision has been to keep this feature out of the server. There's very little chance for anyone to know that a person inside of a car is going to fire a weapon or even has a weapon giving them no time to react or even know where it came from half the time. This just leads to dead end RP scenarios and doesn't allow for good interactions in a majority of cases. This will also increase the amount of staff situations from people claiming RDM from zero initiation shooting that occur from people inside vehicles.


Only issue I see with not having the option is that anyone in a car is a sitting duck.  A solo player can run up on a SWAT van and they'd be at the mercy of one guy with an SNS?

Quote from New Chance

This is something that the leadership team has discussed and voted on multiple times and each time the decision has been to keep this feature out of the server. There's very little chance for anyone to know that a person inside of a car is going to fire a weapon or even has a weapon giving them no time to react or even know where it came from half the time. This just leads to dead end RP scenarios and doesn't allow for good interactions in a majority of cases. This will also increase the amount of staff situations from people claiming RDM from zero initiation shooting that occur from people inside vehicles.

For this one to work it needs to be unfair for the people in the vehicle. This makes sense as they will be in a moving vehicle so its gonna be MUCH harder to shoot and be accurate.

Id suggest having the guns:

Accuracy lowered by 40%

Recoil upped by 30%

Fire rate lowered by 30%

Reload speed upped by 100% (doubled)

Having these in place means that people who just drive by shoot have a little chance to actually do a tonne of damage to them, this would extend the rp as it could lead into a gang war.

if its a thing that could be done then I think when the vehicle is stopped that the gun should go back to normal so if after the vehicle is stopped/shotout, then people inside the car still have a chance to fight back.


Cant upvote this enough..


100% good idea 


Maybe, I'd like it to be first person only when shooting in vehicles.

Quote from BIRLZeY

Maybe, I'd like it to be first person only when shooting in vehicles.

Thats a fun twist. Not against. still allows what we need.

Quote from Diezel

Thats a fun twist. Not against. still allows what we need.

I like that it would create some penalty based on speed & rough terrain. Aiming would be way too stable in 3rd person but i kinda hate to suggest aimcone RNG inaccuracy as a solution.  Forcing first person would accomplish that & be more immersive as well.

New Chance

What about the fact that you can't tell if someone is aiming a gun at you from inside a car? I don't know about you, but I hate being blasted in the head because someone has the ability to perfectly line up a shot on me with me having zero knowledge that they're even aiming at me. This just leads to really shit RP... why do you want this? Do you think people aren't going to use it while stationary? Not to mention all of the complaints we will get again from crims who have their tires shot out by cops...

What about the fact that you can't tell if someone is aiming a gun at you from inside a car? I don't know about you, but I hate being blasted in the head because someone has the ability to perfectly line up a shot on me with me having zero knowledge that they're even aiming at me

That would be RDM/failing to initiate, no?