Store robbery
Stores pay $500-$1,200
In City Hours Unemployment check
$75 every 1hour
$75 for 24hours is $1,800
24hours in city is 4hours real-time.
People smash and grab all stores within the first 2hours after server restart.
After Police shut off store alarms the store is on cool-down for 2hours.
Payout increased to $4,000-$5,000 or $1,000 and USB to be worth the risk.
USB used to crack safe in the back of the store,
for a chance of $5,000 and a Red Decryption Key or $10,000 payout.
(Keep in mind this will be split a minimum of 2 ways, one person with hostage and one cracking the safe)
Decryption Key can be used for bank trucks.
We will increase the payout and add a random chance that the clerk will go hostile.