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Looting people

  • updated
  • Under review

This should be implemented as another side for crim RP as it would bring a bit more fear for life when you know you have a chance to lose what you have. As it is right now you don't need to worry about your items unless cops are around. So people would be less likely to try initiate fights over nothing as they don't wanna lose items.

This could be implemented fairly by making it a request to loot people (press H to let ID: X loot you). This would mean that people would not be able to abuse it freely as it has to be RP'ed from both sides. This should only be able to done whilst two cops are around so civs wont be unsafe if none are clocked in. 

There should also be a cool down for this function so people cant mainly base there RP around looting people. This should be done so that once you loot a person a 5 min counter starts and after that first 5 mins you are unable to search another person for 25 mins. This is so you could loot a group of people then after that you have to lay low for a short while.

I want this as from the standpoint of a crim when it comes to gang VS gang it gives you more ways to create a cool situation, I've had it before where we had a other crim who posed as one of us and shot people and all we could do to him without killing him was hitting him. I think having this in would open a whole new way for criminals to be criminals.

Duplicates 1
Looting People


Before you say, yes i see that there is a post "under review" for looting people, however that post is 7 MONTHS OLD. What i am proposing is that if a player kills another player, then they should be able to take their things, or at least some of their things. For example, If there is a 6v6 gunfight, and 6 kills the other 6, there is no reward for the group that kills the other. 

If the dead group all have m4s, lmgs, tecs ect. then they are either lost or they keep them when EMS revives them. The other group should be able to take things from them as it is a reward for winning a fight. 

Now to avoid this being abused, we can make a rule that only the group of people or the person that killed the player can loot the body and or can only take a certain amount of items or stack of item. And if this rule is not followed, for example if another random player comes up and loots them, then they can be reported and dealt with. This would make it so that people are actually loosing things and will think twice before entering a gunfight or possible illegal situation. 

This could also be implemented for robbing, flex your f6 muscle and you get the option to rob, however this can only be done if initiated properly and can only be done so many times so it avoids becoming loot city, There can also be an amount that can be robbed as is currently with the 10k limit. In regards to things like drops as well, if someone else steals a drop then you kill them you should be able to loot the supplies from them and also the 10k or whatever proposed limit. 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I'd like to see a discussion under here whether the feedback is positive or negative.

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New Chance
  • Answer
  • Under review

I’m not leaving it up to players to follow the rules IF we implement this in some way. I will force it through the script or my entire staff team will want to quit the server from dealing with all of the people who break this type of rule. Also, the feedback is great and don’t take this as a deterrent but there’s a reason nothings been done on that other feedback about looting people. Our current inventory system is really really really old and really really really bad. So yeah, still on hold until new inventory system is in and then we can see what we can do.


I think that having a secret section of your pockets when the new inventory is released so you could have 2 slots to put some smaller items in hidden spots so you can  keep some of your more valuable items hidden from police and robbers. Then having a option to do some type of advanced search that would take you longer to look through. almost like a high risk for high reward if the person has something in them.

Quote from Zopfco

I like the cooldown & such.. This sounds like more balanced, situational mugging.

Being pocket-wiped sucks and isn't necessary. Maybe we can only rob people for electronics, weapons, cash, bling & anything illegal? Pick 3/5?

I could see that being a decent addition.


I like the cooldown & such.. This sounds like more balanced, situational mugging.

Being pocket-wiped sucks and isn't necessary. Maybe we can only rob people for electronics, weapons, cash, bling & anything illegal? Pick 3/5?

Quote from BIRLZeY

I would like to see searching be enabling a night.

I think that's a good way to do it but I was thinking that if you wanted to set up a gang/group then you could have a meeting set up with them and after the meeting you could then rob them if you had beef or just want to just show them what your about. It would be really obvious if you asked to meet at night that you are looking to fuck them over. That also leans into power gaming and that's already a hard enough rule to apply.


I would like to see searching be enabling a night.