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Looting people

  • updated
  • Under review

This should be implemented as another side for crim RP as it would bring a bit more fear for life when you know you have a chance to lose what you have. As it is right now you don't need to worry about your items unless cops are around. So people would be less likely to try initiate fights over nothing as they don't wanna lose items.

This could be implemented fairly by making it a request to loot people (press H to let ID: X loot you). This would mean that people would not be able to abuse it freely as it has to be RP'ed from both sides. This should only be able to done whilst two cops are around so civs wont be unsafe if none are clocked in. 

There should also be a cool down for this function so people cant mainly base there RP around looting people. This should be done so that once you loot a person a 5 min counter starts and after that first 5 mins you are unable to search another person for 25 mins. This is so you could loot a group of people then after that you have to lay low for a short while.

I want this as from the standpoint of a crim when it comes to gang VS gang it gives you more ways to create a cool situation, I've had it before where we had a other crim who posed as one of us and shot people and all we could do to him without killing him was hitting him. I think having this in would open a whole new way for criminals to be criminals.

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Looting People


Before you say, yes i see that there is a post "under review" for looting people, however that post is 7 MONTHS OLD. What i am proposing is that if a player kills another player, then they should be able to take their things, or at least some of their things. For example, If there is a 6v6 gunfight, and 6 kills the other 6, there is no reward for the group that kills the other. 

If the dead group all have m4s, lmgs, tecs ect. then they are either lost or they keep them when EMS revives them. The other group should be able to take things from them as it is a reward for winning a fight. 

Now to avoid this being abused, we can make a rule that only the group of people or the person that killed the player can loot the body and or can only take a certain amount of items or stack of item. And if this rule is not followed, for example if another random player comes up and loots them, then they can be reported and dealt with. This would make it so that people are actually loosing things and will think twice before entering a gunfight or possible illegal situation. 

This could also be implemented for robbing, flex your f6 muscle and you get the option to rob, however this can only be done if initiated properly and can only be done so many times so it avoids becoming loot city, There can also be an amount that can be robbed as is currently with the 10k limit. In regards to things like drops as well, if someone else steals a drop then you kill them you should be able to loot the supplies from them and also the 10k or whatever proposed limit. 

If you have any questions please feel free to ask! I'd like to see a discussion under here whether the feedback is positive or negative.

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New Chance
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  • Under review

I’m not leaving it up to players to follow the rules IF we implement this in some way. I will force it through the script or my entire staff team will want to quit the server from dealing with all of the people who break this type of rule. Also, the feedback is great and don’t take this as a deterrent but there’s a reason nothings been done on that other feedback about looting people. Our current inventory system is really really really old and really really really bad. So yeah, still on hold until new inventory system is in and then we can see what we can do.

Quote from Ralph


Can't base ideas on "most people record" because it's bias, has to be as equal as possible to everyone involved. You also want to avoid as much as possible going to staff, there is always RP ways around these things it's just finding the right way to do that.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the average person carries around 20 items, if you're getting 1-2 items every 2 seconds it wouldn't even take a minute to fully rob someone, it just slows the process down and stops it from being menu based.

To me the RNG side of it is you realistically rummaging through pockets etc to find items, instead of pulling out an xray machine that tells you everything.

Spooky had a very good way to do it instead of randomising the looting process

"It could work like Hold e to search, it starts to search them and items
appear gradually and if you go out of searching and back to searching
you can still see the previously searched items."

So it gradually shows up in the inventory menu. You still get the risk VS reward but if you have to bail away from the body, you can still come back and see whats you already saw but then continue on from there. I do however now understand by what you were meaning. But I also don't want to sit there and have junk fill my pockets of stuff that I absolutely don't need.

Quote from tunkwa

This is a VERY good idea that I could get behind 100%


Can't base ideas on "most people record" because it's bias, has to be as equal as possible to everyone involved. You also want to avoid as much as possible going to staff, there is always RP ways around these things it's just finding the right way to do that.


Correct me if I'm wrong but the average person carries around 20 items, if you're getting 1-2 items every 2 seconds it wouldn't even take a minute to fully rob someone, it just slows the process down and stops it from being menu based.

To me the RNG side of it is you realistically rummaging through pockets etc to find items, instead of pulling out an xray machine that tells you everything.

Quote from Spooky👻

Well most people are recording or have something like shadowplay on at all times, so if someone comes over and loots them, flex the z muscle and you see their id. Thats all you would need for a report really.

That's most people though, not everyone records. Quite a few people actually in the server have computers that barely run the game let alone recording software on top of it. It shouldn't have to be "You must have it recorded" type of situation. While it would GREATLY help, we shouldn't just rely on that alone. If I came across a couple of dead bodies and no one is around, You can bet I will search them. LoL

Quote from tunkwa

Understood, but if I KNOW that they have something on them and I don't get it because of a randomizer, I would be pissed. There would just need to be stricter rules and punishments to prevent the chain robbing. It comes down to the community to help make sure that the rules are followed. You know?

Easiest way to stop chain robbing is very strict punishments

Quote from tunkwa
Precisely, not only that if people who is on the winning side got downed and taken to Zonah, they can't come back or they violate the Anti-Death match rule.

Ralph- The problem with that is that If I rob someone or loot someone that I downed, I am looking for certain Items, it shouldn't be randomized.

Well most people are recording or have something like shadowplay on at all times, so if someone comes over and loots them, flex the z muscle and you see their id. Thats all you would need for a report really.

Quote from Spooky👻

I dont think it should be random items they have as then it could lead to you getting a banana and a joint compared to an m4 and some drugs. 

I think tho for every item they have it should take a certain amount of seconds, not including things like stacks of pseudo or cocoa leaves, just so it doesnt take literal hours haha. 

But i still think you should be able to see all items they have in case they have an item you didn't know they had like a brick of meth or coke for example. But it could take 30 secs up to 2 mins depending how much they have.

I dont think RNG should be a factor as again if you kill someone in a fight you should get their items without leaving it to chance, as it is a reward for a highly illegal activity.

It could work like Hold e to search, it starts to search them and items appear gradually and if you go out of searching and back to searching you can still see the previously searched items. 

This is a VERY good idea that I could get behind 100%

Quote from Ralph

Very true, but this method would stop people from mindlessly chain robbing just to get good items. The random side of things means you are robbing with a purpose, you know they have "X" on them, just comes down to how badly you want it.

Understood, but if I KNOW that they have something on them and I don't get it because of a randomizer, I would be pissed. There would just need to be stricter rules and punishments to prevent the chain robbing. It comes down to the community to help make sure that the rules are followed. You know?


I dont think it should be random items they have as then it could lead to you getting a banana and a joint compared to an m4 and some drugs. 

I think tho for every item they have it should take a certain amount of seconds, not including things like stacks of pseudo or cocoa leaves, just so it doesnt take literal hours haha. 

But i still think you should be able to see all items they have in case they have an item you didn't know they had like a brick of meth or coke for example. But it could take 30 secs up to 2 mins depending how much they have.

I dont think RNG should be a factor as again if you kill someone in a fight you should get their items without leaving it to chance, as it is a reward for a highly illegal activity.

It could work like Hold e to search, it starts to search them and items appear gradually and if you go out of searching and back to searching you can still see the previously searched items. 

Quote from tunkwa
Precisely, not only that if people who is on the winning side got downed and taken to Zonah, they can't come back or they violate the Anti-Death match rule.

Ralph- The problem with that is that If I rob someone or loot someone that I downed, I am looking for certain Items, it shouldn't be randomized.

Very true, but this method would stop people from mindlessly chain robbing just to get good items. The random side of things means you are robbing with a purpose, you know they have "X" on them, just comes down to how badly you want it.

Quote from Spooky👻

Sorry i dont quite understand what " no way to tell who came up" means.  do you mean who looted who?

Precisely, not only that if people who is on the winning side got downed and taken to Zonah, they can't come back or they violate the Anti-Death match rule.

Ralph- The problem with that is that If I rob someone or loot someone that I downed, I am looking for certain Items, it shouldn't be randomized.