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Community Service Time for Small Charges

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I've been told other cities have a Community Service sentence for lesser charges. Currently we just have fines and jail time. Usually, at officer discretion, we lessen the jail time in certain circumstances to promote fun crim/pd activity. I've never experienced the Community Service idea, but it sounded interesting. For those who don't know, I believe PD can sentence you to "X hours" of community service. You are sent to a public area like Legion, Vespucci Beach etc and you have to pick up garbage/clean the area for a number of months/minutes based on your misdemeanor charge.

I feel like this promotes crim rp because they can get sentence to CS hours in public view within the city, compared to a few months up north.

I also feel like it improves PD and Lawyer interactions to help negotiate mid-level charges to CS.

This would involve work with the city and pd to formulate what types of charges can be given CS hours, but I don't have any issues with helping facilitate that part of the change.


How I see it:

In the officer's menu, under the jail option, should be this option to send somebody to do community service. Same as arresting them.

But the point of this would be for that person to actually do something while doing community service, not only to AFK but in a different area (legion square/beach/..). So instead of having to spend X minutes there, maybe have him collect X pounds of trash from the beach, so he wouldn't be able to finish his community service by AFK. The trash prompts would be visible only for the persons that have to do community service, so they wouldn't bother somebody that's casually at the beach, for example.

If there would be props placed around (like the weed plants), but with trash, that could look weird, a beach/legion square/general area full of trash scattered around the area. So maybe just make some text prompts that appear from place to place in an area, then you'd have to press E and an animation would happen, something simple.


Instead of dumping trash on the beach (jk) maybe it would be simpler to set this up as a sort of side job at Rogers Recycling?  Different uni, no pay, but basically the same job otherwise.


Yep - both great ideas. No sense is just being AFK to get the time.... make them collect a certain amount/weight to be released.

Quote from anonymous

Personally I hate sending people off to jail. Feels like a punishment and theres no reason to put someone in jail for 20 minutes because they engaged in a fun RP scenario. I think an alternative such as Community Service would be alot better than punishing someone outright.

I'm the same for small crimes or lesser charges. I imagine the members of COSA would support this as well.