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Gun Damage Rework

  • updated
  • Completed

The current damage: Format -> Gun Name: (Shots to Down without Meth) (Shots to Down with Meth) (Shots to Down with Police Vest).
There is no damage drop-off in GTA. Just weapon range.

Remember in City there is De-Sync so a lot of the shots are not registered correctly so it may feel like it takes forever to kill someone also there is the body fall animation that takes a second or two to kick in as well.

Combat Pistol: (3), (4), (5)
Smith & Wesson: (1), (1), (1)
Desert Eagle: (1), (2), (2)
Tec-9: (2), (4), (4)
Carbine Rifle: (2), (3), (5)
LMG: (1), (2), (2)
Combat Shotgun: large effective range of 1 tap regardless of armour.
Double Barrel: Pretty Balanced only effective super close range.
SNS Pistol: Not Tested
Heavy Pistol: Not Tested

Proposed Damage Change:

Combat Pistol: (5), (7), (8) Achieved by roughly dropping the gun damage by roughly 35% 
Smith & Wesson: (2), (2), (2)  Achieved by dropping the gun damage by 50%. Fair because there is a big delay between shots and its hard to land 2.
Desert Eagle: (2), (4), (4) Achieved by dropping the damage by 50%
Tec-9: (5), (7), (7) Achieved by dropping the damage by roughly 35%

Carbine Rifle: (3), (5), (8) Achieved by dropping the damage by roughly 33%

LMG: (2), (4), (4) Achieved by dropping the damage by roughly 50%

Combat Shotgun: effective range needs to be reduced. similar effective can be achieved by 50% reduction in damage

Double Barrel: Unchanged

SNS Pistol: Weaker than Combat Pistol

Heavy Pistol: Stronger than Combat Pistol but weaker than or just under par with Desert Eagle and Smith $ Wesson


Reduces Gun RP guns are weaker criminals are less inclined to pull them out and shoot

On the other hand Balances Gun RP. Reduction in complaints, saltiness, tickets and toxicity generated around losing a shootout. 

Arguments against these reductions: Oh the guns are lot more powerful in real life or not realistic enough. I personally feel that's where the fine line between GTA and Real Life needs to drawn. Some things can't be matched exactly to real life.

Side Note: Removal of Headshot damage multiplier as it helps preventing that first person from dying instantly in a shootout eliminating them from RP for the next 10-20 minutes of the situation. 

I personally believe that the damage reductions are not enough hence this opens up more potential with bullet proof vests using the current PD vest as the base level vest. Potentially the addition of 2 stronger ones. Once again further making gun RP not the first option.

Reduces Gun RP guns are weaker criminals are less inclined to pull them out and shoo

Not sure I agree, lower damage naturally means longer gunfights and might actually encourage people to shoot over petty stuff or "as a warning" etc if they know it won't cause severe damage.

I'd hate to see people getting shot multiple times and shrugging it off with an IFAK and a couple of blunts, that's only going to increase the number of gunfights.

 I think it actually benefits RP for gunfights to end quickly & cause severe injuries.  


Longer gunfights allow for less casualties, disengagement, tactical reengagement more gunplay/skill play.

If someone is shooting over petty stuff or "as a warning" then they are already in Violation of the Servers rule of Improper Escalation which was recently passed. So that is an issue regardless of these changes to gun damage.

As for the time to kill. Once again as stated in the original post I feel like this is perfect moment to clarify that this is GTA and not real life. Some things can't be matched. If everything were to be realistic then a single life rule or limits on ICU trips should be implemented or pay checks should be drastically reduced.... Everything has to be amplified to a certain level.

Another factor to consider is that a large proportion of the player base is roleplaying as some sort of criminal. Longer time to kill makes a smaller group less inclined to take on a more well established group and encourages better gang roleplay by more thorough recruitment less shootouts. 

New Chance
  • Started

I have something I want to try...

Quote from New Chance

I have something I want to try...

Not sure why, but that sentence kinda scares me.

I feel like this is perfect moment to clarify that this is GTA

Respectfully, no it isn't.  This is a roleplay server and that assumes some level of authenticity, if not exactly realism.  It is not GTA.

Last night I aggroed a few locals and was shot 3-4 times.  It barely left a scratch.  They did so little damage that I wasn't even sure if I should bother using a bandage.  A fistfight would've been scarier, I've taken more damage falling off a bicycle.

That seems kind of broken to me.

Quote from Zopfco
I feel like this is perfect moment to clarify that this is GTA

Respectfully, no it isn't.  This is a roleplay server and that assumes some level of authenticity, if not exactly realism.  It is not GTA.

Last night I aggroed a few locals and was shot 3-4 times.  It barely left a scratch.  They did so little damage that I wasn't even sure if I should bother using a bandage.  A fistfight would've been scarier, I've taken more damage falling off a bicycle.

That seems kind of broken to me.

This is the amount of damage I've taken after a local shot me once. And I agree, it's way too low.


This is the damage of a person shooting me. The damage is not the same from the locals


Just to clarify this post is about player vs player damage. Local damage to player is a separate issue. I feel like locals might have some multiplier x in place which is 0<x<1. If this multiplier is set to 1 then locals can carry out the same damage as players.  As shown from the damage received by husk that is roughly 1/3 of the health and it supports my findings that it takes 3 shots to down with a combat pistol from another player.

This should be left on a vote. Would you like to get downed by 3 shots from a local?
Remember all locals are sharpshooters (100% accuracy)

New Chance

Locals I don't think are effected by the weapons meta file that modifies damage.


I think base HP needs increasing or make body armour regularly available or nerf the meth effect (You cant see shit) Maybe remove the 1 tap as it just ends gunfights so quick and doesnt give people a chance to flee or fight back.