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Conversation #10: Injuries / Medical Roleplay

  • updated

Let us know if there's anything you personally feel about this rule and how you would suggest to fix it or improve it! Keep it civil and conversate!


Injuries / Medical Roleplay

You must role play out your injuries realistically with EMS. If your character is unable verbally roleplay due to the severity of the injury you must us /me commands to communicate with EMS.

  • This includes communicating your status to the EMT's so they can properly treat you. Things like if you are bleeding, have gunshots, broken limbs, breathing issues, low heart rate or blood pressure.
  • Don't over do it and make it too much of a back and forth, but, you still need to create a good situation for EMS to assist you with.
  • If you died to a bug or something you think shouldn't have happened DO NOT EXPECT EMS TO JUST PICK YOU UP!
  • They are not staff and are not revive bots to resolve your issues. You need to take that to a staff ticket or roleplay out an actual injury with EMS that is more substantial than "a scraped knee".
  • Going away from your keyboard after requesting a medic will also be punished as refusing medical roleplay.

Can we extend this to include PD. They may only be basic trained but can still save a life till EMS arrives or till they get you to MZ.


Maybe this is more of an SOP issue with LSMS but I would like to drop the "what is your pain level 1-10" stuff.  If someone has been shot or in a bad accident they're likely in shock and may not feel anything, it's just game-y in general & is used as an excuse to avoid ICU more than anything.  If I just got blown up in a gas station fire my pain level is SCREAMING INCOHERENTLY or passed out entirely. Don't ask me to do math XD

I'm told EMS can see what downed the character, plus there are clues like a smashed up car, blood everywhere or bullet holes.. Let the RP situation determine how injuries are treated.


If LSMS can see the main injuries/causes of trauma we should coach players that make bogus claims to get a revive. 

*Notification shows GSW is the primary injury*

"What happened? - LSMS

"Fell off my bike" - Slimey player

Rule violation

Yung Sleezus

I agree with dropping the whole pain level question, it's too easily abused and doesn't provide anything to the RP that can't be provided through vocal tones and dialogue.

I also understand that some people are not good at "acting" and maybe just cant accurately portray the severity of their injury, but there needs to be a hard standard set in place. If you were shot you should not be able to or allowed to just speak normally. You need to atleast throw in some groans and make it sound like you're atleast slightly in some type of pain. Shock is a real thing but not only does it heavily vary from person to person, it's just straight up boring for EMS to respond to a gunshot victim and their speech makes it seem like they're having the most relaxing day in the world.


I would say some people may be shy about groaning in pain and acting if it's their first rp experience. I remember my first server I wanted to go in being a cute country gal but I got way too nervous and dropped the accent immediately and just played myself. Others may feel like others around them are being judged and may feel weird about groaning and yelling about their leg or whatever. But I do think they should atleast be honest about their injuries.

Good input from this particular convo albeit a bit brief! Noted it all down as it is so far. I hope this rule isn't being broken a whole lot and when it is that whoever is giving them medical care is taking it upon themselves to report it properly.


While I can see reporting this if someone is really abusing it, there's also an opportunity to nip that in the bud in RP.

"You say you twisted your ankle? You've been shot! Oh no he's going into shock, we've got to get you to the hospital! Stay with me sir!"

& then if they fail to take the hint, keep insisting or go OOC complaining and such then definitely make that report.

Sometimes we can give the offender a chance to self-correct something like this when they're not being toxic or offensive, just failing at RP.  Same as for breaking character and other problems where we definitely don't want it happening but might avoid turning it into a staff situation with a gentle nudge.

I hear too many references to rules in city conversation & to be honest I don't think that's all on the players.  Of course we need to have rules & enforce them, but we need to make sure we're encouraging roleplay over ruleplay wherever we can. The carrot is better than the stick; this seems like a situation where we can give someone that choice & trust they'll make the right one most of the time.