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Changes to Fishing, Public Jobs, and Whitelist Jobs

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Fishing isn't a public job its a Hobby why are we Lowering fish prices to acceptable public job prices when its not a public job?

Why not bring higher pay increases to Whitelist jobs, give Public jobs a boost, and keep fishing where it was.

Food pricing went up, car pricing went up everything seems to be getting increased but all salaries, fish prices, and public jobs either go down or stay same.

Personally think this is killing the economy not boosting it.

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New Chance
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Fishing is a hobby, not a way to make a living. It shouldn't earn as much as a job. Its not a job...
You make money at it because this is an economy server and we wanted people to have something else to do with friends or to get away that was different while making some cash too.

New Chance
  • Answer
  • Answered

Fishing is a hobby, not a way to make a living. It shouldn't earn as much as a job. Its not a job...
You make money at it because this is an economy server and we wanted people to have something else to do with friends or to get away that was different while making some cash too.

Quote from troopakoopa240

I sell mine recreational to businesses. Depending on the catch. 

Where are you from? In most US states you need a commercial license at the very least to do that... legally.  I may know someone who gave a really good & friendly local Chinese restaurant a few black crappie & then ordered off-menu but hey the chef's kitchen is his own domain. Some damn fine tilapia that's for sure.

Quote from Zopfco

I don't understand your reasoning, if it's not a job why does it pay anything at all?

I do a good bit of IRL recreational fishing and it's not even legal to sell my catch.  However a truly realistic version of commercial fishing would be a game in itself so we have something in between.  In fact what we have now is basically a placeholder at this point so fishing (and likely fish prices) will change completely as soon as that's released.  ...which will likely need some balancing as well before it's truly finished.

I sell mine recreational to businesses. Depending on the catch. 

Quote from troopakoopa240

So now that WHITELIST JOBS GOT A BOOST IN PAY fishing should go back to $45 there is no reason to keep it lower. It is Not a public job and shouldn't be treated as such. 

I don't understand your reasoning, if it's not a job why does it pay anything at all?

I do a good bit of IRL recreational fishing and it's not even legal to sell my catch.  However a truly realistic version of commercial fishing would be a game in itself so we have something in between.  In fact what we have now is basically a placeholder at this point so fishing (and likely fish prices) will change completely as soon as that's released.  ...which will likely need some balancing as well before it's truly finished.


So now that WHITELIST JOBS GOT A BOOST IN PAY fishing should go back to $45 there is no reason to keep it lower. It is Not a public job and shouldn't be treated as such. 


If that's really an issue that's more a problem with the WL job screening. People should be doing those because they enjoy it and it fits their character. So long as the pay is decent & competitive they shouldn't be abandoning it as soon as something else pays a few bucks more.

I'm gonna sound like a broken record here... but it's not the fact that it's the pay we're most concerned about. At least for me it isn't. I get that people shouldn't be buying all these cars very quickly or houses or what have you. But, when you're someone like me, who CAN spend like 8 hours straight in the city and make $43,200... that's 2 whole weeks just to buy the average costing vehicle WITH taxes of 550k since all the prices went up. So just imagine those who can only do a few hours here, a few hours there. 2 Weeks turns into a month or more for ONE car. So, naturally, of course we're gonna search for other means of obtaining what we want faster than being clocked in.

I Honestly think the fish cut was because a lot of whitelist people were making more hourly fishing than doing their jobs or doing minimum hours, which I would be doing the same.

I doubt that, I think it was just the $ per hour (which I thought was fine but maybe some ppl max it out better than I do, I'm pretty casual about it tbh)

If that's really an issue that's more a problem with the WL job screening. People should be doing those because they enjoy it and it fits their character.  So long as the pay is decent & competitive they shouldn't be abandoning it as soon as something else pays a few bucks more.

Quote from Zopfco

The nerf seems a bit excessive to me too considering the investment required to do it at max efficiency ($70k truck) vs the payout at other pub jobs that require little to no money up front

I'm confused as to whether it's meant to be an equally viable way of earning a (legal) living or just a hobby as you say

The pricing is so all over the place in the city right now.  i thought it was good the way it was before the 0.5 push. 

The way I would do it:

Increase The following:

  • whitelist Jobs
  • Drugs
  • Fish back to $45
  • some buys in pawn shop


    • Current foods to half worth but bring foods that didn't get increased to food standard. 

    Keep Prices:

    •  Cars and house stay same 

    If fishing became a public job that would be terrible in my eyes. It something that should be done for fun with friends and enjoyment. 

    I Honestly think the fish cut was because a lot of whitelist people were making more hourly fishing than doing their jobs or doing minimum hours, which I would be doing the same.


    The nerf seems a bit excessive to me too considering the investment required to do it at max efficiency ($70k truck) vs the payout at other pub jobs that require little to no money up front

    I'm confused as to whether it's meant to be an equally viable way of earning a (legal) living or just a hobby as you say