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Fall of Criminal Activities? Imbalanced Economy Incoming?

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With all recreational criminal outlets now nerfed (600-800 per car/8k per brick) why would people risk doing anything criminal for more than the thrill of doing so now? Especially with the forced fines coming into play. Because now its to the point that you can sit at Taco Libre and make as much if not more money with no risk, doing close to nothing. Will the gang clock in function make up for it? In addition, with the crim price nerfs does that mean that the people who made all their money back when drugs were selling on the street for 20-25k will just sit on their wealth knowing it will be close to impossible for someone to achieve that same said wealth without putting in 3-4 times more time and effort? I find it a bit unfair that these people can sit on all this money because prices were slashed into fractions of what they once were. Like I said in the previous post, im just worried about the ecosystem of it all. And seeing these changes and hearing how people have been feeling has me worried to no end. I feel like we deserve some public clarification on the new changes considering that they are big enough to impact this city in a extraordinary way, be that negative or positive.

El Blanco

i took a profit loss of 450k on bricks i purchased days before the changes hit. I just barely broke even on a 500k investment. Was it discouraging sure, but i enjoy the activity. When i break it down i often make less then 1000 on each brick, but this helped me build the network. The key here is people need to stop looking for the "meta" cash grab and commit to an enterprise they enjoy.

A commitment to drug RP put me in the position to make great money and that being said i know for a fact there people profiting even larger numbers off my work and im perfectly ok with that. I RP a street level drug distributor of course there are suppliers making more. I found a niche i enjoy and the commitment paid off.

Long story short, commit to something and it will pay off.

Quote from Honton x

The fact that he has an established network and everything else you said says alot, because I've watched his grind up from when he first joined the city and it's awesome to see where he's at after all this time. That's the thing though, it takes time, hardwork, RPing with as many people, and building the reputation that he has to get what he has now. It's no different even after all these changes.

I love what he's doing as well! But the thing is, as far as costs, it will now take someone else over double the time and hard work considering the reduction to pay outs, increased vehicle price, and the conversion prices to cook staying the same. Not to mention, the established people in the drug game will have the money to pay the forced fines in the future, but between the incoming fines, high risk, lack of pay, and start up being a bit harder I can see some people just deterring from it all together. Or just being absorbed by gangs with established cooks for the action at drops which may lead to problems with the rules of engagement later down the road and less factions.

El Blanco
Quote from Moonchie

I love what he's doing as well! But the thing is, as far as costs, it will now take someone else over double the time and hard work considering the reduction to pay outs, increased vehicle price, and the conversion prices to cook staying the same. Not to mention, the established people in the drug game will have the money to pay the forced fines in the future, but between the incoming fines, high risk, lack of pay, and start up being a bit harder I can see some people just deterring from it all together. Or just being absorbed by gangs with established cooks for the action at drops which may lead to problems with the rules of engagement later down the road and less factions.

i was in a position for months where i wasnt able to pay my fines, can i now? sure, and it would be a massive hit but welcome to the criminal underworld. If you plan to be a drug dealer you will get raided and lose almost everything at some point, it has happened to me. The key is i didn't let this discourage me and bounced back in weeks

Quote from El Blanco

i was in a position for months where i wasnt able to pay my fines, can i now? sure, and it would be a massive hit but welcome to the criminal underworld. If you plan to be a drug dealer you will get raided and lose almost everything at some point, it has happened to me. The key is i didn't let this discourage me and bounced back in weeks

The difference being the forced fines. Not saying you, but a lot of people didn't pay anything until this day. But now if someone joins the cook game and gets hit with fines, they are stuck with them. It's a new loss nobody has experienced so I can't say for sure on it. But it's a new loss all the same. And it will impact the newer cooks in a more drastic way as compared to back when you can stack fines and not pay back a cent.

Honton x
Quote from New Chance

We're still reviewing everything as I said in a previous post. That's why people are going crazy over this stuff right now. I have said nerf and maybe that was my mistake... what we are doing is balancing. Chop was put in without much research to how it would actually play out money wise. So now we have had people doing it and we have data to review, and we see it was set too high. We're balancing it to be inline with where we want it to be in the "criminal" income category. We also increased profits from a different criminal activity as another effort to balance. Also, houses are currently being reworked and we're adding a new criminal activity to the server soon.

Please, just give us some time to work things out. Not that I don't appreciate the feedback, but I just want people to understand its a work in progress and balance is not the easiest thing to do on an economy server. We've been very busy on other things for a long time and haven't really taken a long hard look at what is going on with pay. That should be obvious by our mistake in adjusting the whitelist jobs TOO LOW. But we realize that and are again making a balancing change. While we did that... we noticed other things were out of line too. Fishing was NEVER meant to be earning people 5-8k/hour but the data shows that is what is happening so we had to balance it.

To be fair, Fishing doesn't NORMALLY earn that person that much per hour, however, with the current bug + plans to completely overhaul fishing, it was kinda left untouched, even though fishing was the first thing to balanced when it was being tested from being $50/fish to $75/fish then finally $45/fish. Even though it hurts to get Fishing hit again, I get why and I just accept it because I fish because I like it. 

Honton x
Quote from Moonchie

I love what he's doing as well! But the thing is, as far as costs, it will now take someone else over double the time and hard work considering the reduction to pay outs, increased vehicle price, and the conversion prices to cook staying the same. Not to mention, the established people in the drug game will have the money to pay the forced fines in the future, but between the incoming fines, high risk, lack of pay, and start up being a bit harder I can see some people just deterring from it all together. Or just being absorbed by gangs with established cooks for the action at drops which may lead to problems with the rules of engagement later down the road and less factions.

I get that, but it's all apart of the experience. I'm hoping when you ARE developing connections etc, that the people you are working with, are creating the environment + experience that comes with being in that kind of work. Instead of treating things like they aren't risky and dangerous.

Quote from Honton x

To be fair, Fishing doesn't NORMALLY earn that person that much per hour, however, with the current bug + plans to completely overhaul fishing, it was kinda left untouched, even though fishing was the first thing to balanced when it was being tested from being $50/fish to $75/fish then finally $45/fish. Even though it hurts to get Fishing hit again, I get why and I just accept it because I fish because I like it. 

I admit I would still fish sometimes if it didn't pay at all but if people decided it was no longer worth their time as a way to make a living I think that would be a great loss for the city.  

Quote from Honton x

To be fair, Fishing doesn't NORMALLY earn that person that much per hour, however, with the current bug + plans to completely overhaul fishing, it was kinda left untouched, even though fishing was the first thing to balanced when it was being tested from being $50/fish to $75/fish then finally $45/fish. Even though it hurts to get Fishing hit again, I get why and I just accept it because I fish because I like it. 

Im sure a lot of us will continue on as usual doing the same things, I know I will. I just think we need clarification on what's going on since the update announcement has such big factors and such little description, especially with the forced fines considering peoples excessive records, recent pay cuts, and gangs not owning businesses.

Quote from Honton x

I get that, but it's all apart of the experience. I'm hoping when you ARE developing connections etc, that the people you are working with, are creating the environment + experience that comes with being in that kind of work. Instead of treating things like they aren't risky and dangerous.

Of course. And like I said, im still doing it for sure, I like the added activities. And honestly as time goes on we will all get used to the changes. It's just that big announcements like that have insane shock value for a lot of people. None of this will effect how I do things on the daily, I literally stay broke buying drugs/guns for more activities anyways. Haha Im mainly here speaking for the people who I hear in city and pressing points to see how they pan out here since I know its seen. Because I like close to if not everyone ive met in city, and I don't want people to ghost out because of words unspoken.

Honton x
Quote from Moonchie

Im sure a lot of us will continue on as usual doing the same things, I know I will. I just think we need clarification on what's going on since the update announcement has such big factors and such little description, especially with the forced fines considering peoples excessive records, recent pay cuts, and gangs not owning businesses.

Nah I completely feel you playa. The announcement was a huge sudden change that alot of people weren't ready for. But I think it's good that things got shaken up a bit.