Fall of Criminal Activities? Imbalanced Economy Incoming?
With all recreational criminal outlets now nerfed (600-800 per car/8k per brick) why would people risk doing anything criminal for more than the thrill of doing so now? Especially with the forced fines coming into play. Because now its to the point that you can sit at Taco Libre and make as much if not more money with no risk, doing close to nothing. Will the gang clock in function make up for it? In addition, with the crim price nerfs does that mean that the people who made all their money back when drugs were selling on the street for 20-25k will just sit on their wealth knowing it will be close to impossible for someone to achieve that same said wealth without putting in 3-4 times more time and effort? I find it a bit unfair that these people can sit on all this money because prices were slashed into fractions of what they once were. Like I said in the previous post, im just worried about the ecosystem of it all. And seeing these changes and hearing how people have been feeling has me worried to no end. I feel like we deserve some public clarification on the new changes considering that they are big enough to impact this city in a extraordinary way, be that negative or positive.
The fact that he has an established network and everything else you said says alot, because I've watched his grind up from when he first joined the city and it's awesome to see where he's at after all this time. That's the thing though, it takes time, hardwork, RPing with as many people, and building the reputation that he has to get what he has now. It's no different even after all these changes.
I love what he's doing as well! But the thing is, as far as costs, it will now take someone else over double the time and hard work considering the reduction to pay outs, increased vehicle price, and the conversion prices to cook staying the same. Not to mention, the established people in the drug game will have the money to pay the forced fines in the future, but between the incoming fines, high risk, lack of pay, and start up being a bit harder I can see some people just deterring from it all together. Or just being absorbed by gangs with established cooks for the action at drops which may lead to problems with the rules of engagement later down the road and less factions.