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Conversation #2: Not Valuing Freedom

  • updated

Read the Introductory Post before you start reading here: https://feedback.newchance.network/en/communities/1/topics/422-operation-lets-have-a-convo

Given a lot of warning levels have been escalated because of this rule, we would love to get some feedback on what some of you think about this rule in particular! Please keep the conversation civil and I hope we can get ample feedback for it!

Not valuing your freedom

Committing loud or highly visible criminal acts, violent or non-violent, in or near areas that would be highly populated such as, government buildings, job locations or business' within the city is not allowed unless proper logical RP has taken place prior.


"Proper logical RP" is very open to interpretation & situational.  We all think we know what that means but if pressed we'd probably all disagree at some point XD

Proper logical RP would lead me to believe I can mask up in some generic clothes, steal a car and try to rob just about anywhere.  I don't think many places should be exempt from robbery. By extension, just about everywhere has cameras (even modeled & visible in-game) so the warning there would apply to almost the entire city.

A few places that operate 24/7 with overwhelming security like PDHQ or a hospital should normally be off-limits, but even IRL we sometimes have guard details posted at people's rooms in a hospital.

I know it's not ideal but I think it would be a lot clearer for everyone to simply declare a select few areas green zones.  

I've also suggested that staff could moderate exceptions so we can still have things like jail breaks within reason.  It might seem a little off to ask admin permission but it would open up a lot of RP & keep everything sporting and fair for all sides.  Maybe this could even be streamlined so crims could issue a challenge somehow without involving staff directly but still notifying them so they can observe?


Something id like to add to this is that going back for downed or injured friends were there is the chance of police showing up should not be NVF. Because especially for groups like gangs or family's its ride or die, People would rather get caught than let there friend die or get arrested himself. Specific green zones should be, MRPD, ZONAH and inside taco, (outside is still the hood)


Adding to Spooky, I think new city hall should be included in the green zone. It is between the police station and the hospital and realistically it would have guards posted everywhere because the city hall is where the judges, mayor, etc would realistically be posted; so to me you shouldn't be robbing, shooting, looting, carjacking in a location that would logically have a ton of security to protect VIPs. 

As well as I don't think you should be irritating/pissing off the people that would logically down the line you might need help from. (EMS & Lawyers) 

Quote from Chimera

Adding to Spooky, I think new city hall should be included in the green zone. It is between the police station and the hospital and realistically it would have guards posted everywhere because the city hall is where the judges, mayor, etc would realistically be posted; so to me you shouldn't be robbing, shooting, looting, carjacking in a location that would logically have a ton of security to protect VIPs. 

As well as I don't think you should be irritating/pissing off the people that would logically down the line you might need help from. (EMS & Lawyers) 

Agree about city hall but I don't think anyone should get a free pass based on their day job. I get the reasoning but think it can be played out in character. Sure EMS & Lawyers have to work with everyone but they still have enough leeway to make things more or less difficult for someone at their discretion.

New Chance

This is a big rule that affects a lot of people. Would like to see more involvement from the community.

Quote from New Chance

This is a big rule that affects a lot of people. Would like to see more involvement from the community.

My main comment is that there could be literal greenzones imprinted on the map, killing or doing any sort of high crime could be against rules and anything outside is fair game (within reason) I think going back for your boys even at risk of cops or even staying about to be a little rude to your dead enemy shouldnt be a thing as it restricts the RP and makes it so as soon as you do something you need to "run away"

El Blanco

This is something that will take a long time to discuss and something i dont even know how could properly codified into a rule. 

Greenzones as one example functionally exist but from what has been explained to me by a majority of staff is that greenzones do not exist? Ive been told specifically that greenzones are not a thing here and even been told "theres no rule saying you cant shoot at zonah" only to find that you simply cannot attack anyone with commiting a "loud or highly visible" crime. This needs to be clarified.

Another thing is that different characters simply should not value freedom in the same way. A lawyer and a gang member with tattoos on his head do not have the same level of consequence management. 

pedro elrico

when a staff member can say an un-used static building not open to the public should be treated as if it is staffed and has active cameras and that plays into NVF its too vague of a rule. Does this go for all un used  static buildings?  I can say they all would be staffed and cameras in theory. I don’t believe you should select what unused building are staffed with cameras and what ones aren’t, seems like that can get iffy gas station on grove should be staffed and have cameras people shoot there all the time, tattoo shop on innocence, mega mall by grove ect I could go on and on every street has static buildings that would have cameras real world. 

It seems like the rule was made to stop people from being in altercations at Zonah, PD, LSC, and Court, leaving it so open to were it can be used against you due to a static building on the map is far beyond its purpose. either make places completely off limits for any altercation or state player owned business and whitelist job areas are off limits for altercations past verbal or fists ect what ever you want the restriction to be. 

jimmy hoffa

In my opinion, I think the rule should be enforced only if the the building/business is marked on the map. here's a scenario, You and another gang/enemy are in a car chase that's ends up out front of a business that's not marked on the map, both cars break down, are we supposed to stop what were doing and move to another location just because of that. It doesn't make sense, it's just not realistic RP. How are we as criminals supposed to handle a situation like that. Also, if I were to see another player stealing a car outside of a "highly populated area" that isn't marked on the map, should we record and report? At that point there's gonna be 100 reports a day

El Blanco

to elaborate on this point

Another thing is that different characters simply should not value freedom in the same way. A lawyer and a gang member with tattoos on his head do not have the same level of consequence management.

I know we cant use real life as the bar, but speaking from personal experience i didnt value my freedom like a normal human being for some 10 years. Id been to jail multiple times and made connections that made me safer then your average inmate and half my friends were already there. Going to jail was as simple as sitting down for a few months with my friends playing cards shooting toilet paper dice and taking peoples soups.

im not suggesting that gang members should have no obligation to value their freedom, but i am suggesting that if you try to mug a lawyer 9/10 he will give it up. Now i want you to try the same thing on a gang member high on cocaine with a gun and skull tattooed on his forehead and tell me how that goes.