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Stuff to do?

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  • Under review

The city has a lack of things to do and ways to make money or everything is just stupid expensive. But for things to do, can we please get a venue like a nightclub/bar/cafe thing that can have jobs or not; that is not player owned? Something for people to hang out at? 

Also why is there not req stuff? 

  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Arm wrestling
  • Beer pong
  • Golf 
  • Gym 

These things being missing kinda go back into there being nothing to do if you do not wish to stand around with other people. 

Also can we get the pet store and purchasable pets? 

And more solo job? Hot dog stand, etc. Stuff that you can work at reliably on your time to make some money. 

Pinned replies
New Chance
  • Answer
  • Under review
But for things to do, can we please get a venue like a nightclub/bar/cafe thing that can have jobs or not; that is not player owned?

We have Taco Libre which is a public business that has 3 positions for players to clock in at and work. This also provides a place for people to hang out at in the city. We will be expanding on this public business type in the future so there are more opportunities for players to engage in this type of work.

Also why is there not req stuff?
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Arm wrestling
  • Beer pong
  • Golf
  • Gym

This isn't as easy as just adding a new item to a store but we do have some of these new features in the dev pipeline and they will be coming in a future release, along with other recreational activities. Currently you can fish, which also makes you some money, scuba dive, parachute, hike, bike, and race so we do have activities out there for players.

Also can we get the pet store and purchasable pets?

We've been wanting to get a pet system for a while but most of them are either stolen from NoPixel and could risk us facing a DMCA and having our server violate FiveM TOS, or they're old outdated garbage. However, this is something we will be doing at some point once we find the right option or make our own.

And more solo job? Hot dog stand, etc. Stuff that you can work at reliably on your time to make some money.

You mentioned taxi and fishing only in your post so maybe you're not aware of all of the solo jobs we have available. As far as getting more solo jobs, yes there will be a lot more jobs coming with future releases but we don't want to continue to support solo only jobs on our roleplay server. There's not much roleplay benefit to playing this game solo... if that's what you're looking for this isn't the place for it. The jobs we are focusing on for the future will be a hybrid that will have interaction with others while also offering some solo ability. Even some of our current public jobs allow you to coop with friends, and reward you with more pay for doing so. These public jobs are available so you are not "forced to do criminal stuff just to make money" as they make a good amount and are legal which means you won't have the risk of being arrested and fined.

Public jobs - Minimum pay is $5000/hour (This will surely pay for a lot of noodles and gas while allowing you to save up for larger purchases)
Garbage (Unlimited and coop)
Taxi (Unlimited and solo)
Trucking (Unlimited and Coop)
Taco Libre (Limited to 3 clocked in)

Player owned businesses
I have no doubt you're right on these things. They take people to run them and are not open jobs for the public. Those owners have limited schedules and may never be online when you are. Just the nature of the game here guys... every business can't be open all the time. We have a requirement for them to meet and there are a larger number of businesses so they can hopefully all be active at some point during a time where some players are on the server. Therefore, its logical to expect this system to work the way it is where you see that some businesses are available and open while you are playing. Vanilla unicorn isn't officially owned and operated right now as its in a state of us decided how we can make it more of a public location.

The Economy

I understand why you're perplexed by the economy. It isn't an easy thing to wrap your head around. If you're thinking to yourself... I can buy an orange for 0.50 at the grocery store, why the hell is it $40 here?!!? I would ask yourself this... where can you make $5000/ hour picking up garbage?

This is my experience thusfar: - Sit here for a week after getting trained unable to clock in a lot of the time. - Try fishing but it's ZZZ- Sit around some more. - walk around and chat with cool people - Pay $200+ for gas with a $150 unemployment check. - Pay $40 for water and oranges, 200 for soba noodles, and 70-500 for a singular taco. Yes, real. This is the new player experience. Congrats.

Whitelist jobs
Training process needs work and is a problem.


Money isn't good enough.

- You're right and I'm going to make a small increase to help that.

Fishing is bored to some people.
-Agreed but there is money to be made.

Walk around and RP and meet cool people.

-Agreed and this is very important for a RP server.

Pay $200+ for gas with an unemployment check of $150.

-There are public jobs as outlined above to make much better money, however... $150 unemployment checks come every 10 minutes and a full take of fuel should easily last you more than 10 minutes of driving.

Pay $40 for water and oranges and 200 for noodles and 70-500 for a taco

-See above, the economy isn't based on the real world pay and costs. Show me a garbage driver making $5000/hr. Also, tacos are free at taco libre and the employee make a pay check so you don't need to pay them. If they won't give it to you free then go someone else for food, there are lots of other food places in town you just might have to ask around to find them.

Quote from MrDoge

"I fished for 14 hours last night and got over 2100 fish, that wasn't 14 hours straight either, I took a few breaks. But don't sit there and tell me it makes no money. If you're taking more than an hour to catch 100 fish you're doing it wrong" You see that is one of the main reasons that's making some of us newbies consider leaving, your keeping your tricks secret, as I stood around for 3 hours and made 200 fish just so I can get Soba Noodles, Which is sad, Everything is stupidly overpriced to drain everyone's bank account, I came to New chance to Roleplay and have enough Money to even get a car that I want and roleplay and mingle I only came here because a buddy of mine wanted me to come back to FiveM again after a 4 year break from it, Which I did but this buddy was with SOA and the most experience I had around here is that most of everyone is either A out to rob you and Kill you making you have to get off for an entire night because the EMS Department is on Strike because their Paychecks got nerfed, However since I joined after the first week I left SOA I got sick and Tired of the Bullshit of being constantly chased and murdered in cold blood for having some type of affiliation with them, Which brings me to another point, Because of being with SOA for a week it screwed me on making money every time I was basically forced to respawn due to the amount of EMS that are never active I've lost basically 300k worth of money to having to buy a Gun for every time I was forced to respawn. 
I have almost constantly no Money due to having to buy food, Gas, a gun for every time I die and am forced to respawn losing my entire inventory so I barely ever have enough money to feed myself, Last night I was piss poor broke for 2 hours and so I was forced to limp across the city which btw was not fun And yes I know I could have rented a Bike I did but I couldn't ride it why? Because being Dehydrate and Hungry apparently makes you a cripple somehow and unable to ride a bike, and if your fishing for 14 hours straight at night and you have a Salary job and a player is the starting rank in your Salary Job your also fucking them over as there is a forced clock in requirement or otherwise you get fired or questioned.

I did fishing for the same amount of time and barely had any fish so whatever your doing your hiding it from the new players giving them their time on the server as "No Chance" to make some nice money so they aren't poor.

Also as what your Argument for Chop Shop goes, Every list myself and people who I know who are new get every single god damn list that has a Car that always has a 0.01% chance of spawning and they would have canceled their list to go and make more money but they can't because they worry about losing the 2,500 Dirty money they need to reset the list due to getting robbed making money of Chop a more dangerous Business.

But to finally say, I shouldn't have to commit Crime just to make money on New chance period I shouldn't be forced to go and commit crime to make better money that a Salary Job should be able to provide, But the Salary Job for the lowest ranking players are unable to clock in ever because your fishing for 14 hours a night sort of screwing them over because they too require clock in hours so that way they don't get fired which doesn't help at all.

There's no "secret" behind fishing. It's all about Trunk Space. Do you have a van? Do you have a truck? Anything with more trunk space than most cars? I have never hid anything. If anyone asks me anything in city, as a form of RP, I tell them. I KNOW what it's like to not know anything. I was there a month ago. It's not about what you know, it's about who you know. Making good connections. I got to know A LOT of people and in turn I now know A LOT of stuff. 

Also, it's not like someone can simply just tell you everything in discord. If you know my character you'd know he's pretty open to helping new citizens. Heck he even knows some things, those that have been in the city longer, don't know. You probably just haven't asked. I can count quite a few new citizens I've met who have more money than I do. Another thing, public jobs are on the map. Never hurts to go do them for an hour and realize "Hey, this is pretty good money." As an intern, or even as a full employee, you are still allowed to do those (Aside from Taco Libre if I'm not mistaken) when you're clocked out. 

As for chop shop, that's likely because you're trying to do kit lists. Those are hard for a reason. But those aren't the only option. 

Also, to touch up on your "Interns need to be clocked with someone else", again, I get that. I am not EMS though. I am also not a supervisor at my salary job either so even if I were clocked in, interns still wouldn't be able to clock in with me. But, as I also previously mentioned I am, myself, trying to make the money to buy a car. That's why I haven't been clocked in for a few days. But I also told everyone in my department that I am always on radio so if you need me to clock in, just ask. 'Cause I've been there too. 

All in all, if you meet my character... ask him questions. If you already know him, still... ask questions. He'll tell you. RP aside, from personal experience, I get not knowing these things. I understand the frustration of being told "RP to find out."

New Chance
Quote from MrDoge

"I fished for 14 hours last night and got over 2100 fish, that wasn't 14 hours straight either, I took a few breaks. But don't sit there and tell me it makes no money. If you're taking more than an hour to catch 100 fish you're doing it wrong" You see that is one of the main reasons that's making some of us newbies consider leaving, your keeping your tricks secret, as I stood around for 3 hours and made 200 fish just so I can get Soba Noodles, Which is sad, Everything is stupidly overpriced to drain everyone's bank account, I came to New chance to Roleplay and have enough Money to even get a car that I want and roleplay and mingle I only came here because a buddy of mine wanted me to come back to FiveM again after a 4 year break from it, Which I did but this buddy was with SOA and the most experience I had around here is that most of everyone is either A out to rob you and Kill you making you have to get off for an entire night because the EMS Department is on Strike because their Paychecks got nerfed, However since I joined after the first week I left SOA I got sick and Tired of the Bullshit of being constantly chased and murdered in cold blood for having some type of affiliation with them, Which brings me to another point, Because of being with SOA for a week it screwed me on making money every time I was basically forced to respawn due to the amount of EMS that are never active I've lost basically 300k worth of money to having to buy a Gun for every time I was forced to respawn. 
I have almost constantly no Money due to having to buy food, Gas, a gun for every time I die and am forced to respawn losing my entire inventory so I barely ever have enough money to feed myself, Last night I was piss poor broke for 2 hours and so I was forced to limp across the city which btw was not fun And yes I know I could have rented a Bike I did but I couldn't ride it why? Because being Dehydrate and Hungry apparently makes you a cripple somehow and unable to ride a bike, and if your fishing for 14 hours straight at night and you have a Salary job and a player is the starting rank in your Salary Job your also fucking them over as there is a forced clock in requirement or otherwise you get fired or questioned.

I did fishing for the same amount of time and barely had any fish so whatever your doing your hiding it from the new players giving them their time on the server as "No Chance" to make some nice money so they aren't poor.

Also as what your Argument for Chop Shop goes, Every list myself and people who I know who are new get every single god damn list that has a Car that always has a 0.01% chance of spawning and they would have canceled their list to go and make more money but they can't because they worry about losing the 2,500 Dirty money they need to reset the list due to getting robbed making money of Chop a more dangerous Business.

But to finally say, I shouldn't have to commit Crime just to make money on New chance period I shouldn't be forced to go and commit crime to make better money that a Salary Job should be able to provide, But the Salary Job for the lowest ranking players are unable to clock in ever because your fishing for 14 hours a night sort of screwing them over because they too require clock in hours so that way they don't get fired which doesn't help at all.

Go work a public job to get on your feet man. That’s how everyone does it now and has done it in the past. Prices have gone up yes but $5000 per hour on a public job is more than enough. Don’t put yourself in situations where you’ll lose money when you don’t have the money to lose. 

Quote from TheAlphaStrain

Let me start off by saying, I understand how you feel. Being as I've only been in the city for a little over a month. I get it. Let me take a moment by saying I'm a person who, no matter what city I fly into or what game I am playing will ALWAYS test out every possible way to make money and time it to find out which takes the least time or which makes the most.

I have a salary job, but for me, I didn't take it or want it for the money. But I haven't been clocked in because I have been doing what makes the most amount of money, legally, to get the car I want. Am I mad about that? No. Disappointed? Somewhat. Personally, I think, due to the fact that we have to apply like an actual in-head job to get the position, after a certain point we should, at the very least, be making the same if not more than public jobs and active hobbies such as fishing. 

With that said, let me lay some facts down... can I make more money per hour doing any legal, public job (Including fishing) than clocking in to my salary job? Yes. Well, aside from 2 jobs and that's hauling and taco libre if there are no customers. New vehicle laws screwed up the trucks in a bad way when there's a trailer. Garbage? Roughly 5.5-7k per hour without additional selling. Uber eats? Even with the price changes? Definitely so long as you don't buy a certain super expensive item. Fishing? Absolutely. I get that it's boring as hell. I really do. I fished for 14 hours last night and got over 2100 fish, that wasn't 14 hours straight either, I took a few breaks. But don't sit there and tell me it makes no money. If you're taking more than an hour to catch 100 fish you're doing it wrong. It's $45 per fish, you do the math. Same with Taxi. You may not notice because locals pay with both card and cash.

Also, as far a chop shop goes, if you're taking more than a day to even get 2 or 3+ lists done, you're doing the wrong list. If you're doing it for money that is.

I also understand the frustration behind the player owned business, as having been an owner of a business myself, please understand from our/their point of view as well that the only way they make money is for people to be there. The business I used to own, I had it open for 8 hours one day and I only made 4k profit take home. After supplies. I truly mean 8 hours it was open. I sat there for 8 hours practically doing nothing making unemployment checks. Owning a business, right now, is a tad lackluster for owners as they don't get a salary, they gotta take the time to re-stock anything they sell. So it only makes sense to open for a few hours here and there. When I first bought the business I sold, it took me roughly 10 hours of back and forth to get 100 of every item. 8 of those hours I did solid. When I finally opened... it just wasn't what I was expecting. I knew someone who wanted it more than me so I sold it to them. But, the future looks promising for business owners.

Also, as I've stated previously, there are 2 bars (4 if you look hard enough) up North that are open 24/7 and could make for some good hangout sessions and RP experiences.

"I fished for 14 hours last night and got over 2100 fish, that wasn't 14 hours straight either, I took a few breaks. But don't sit there and tell me it makes no money. If you're taking more than an hour to catch 100 fish you're doing it wrong" You see that is one of the main reasons that's making some of us newbies consider leaving, your keeping your tricks secret, as I stood around for 3 hours and made 200 fish just so I can get Soba Noodles, Which is sad, Everything is stupidly overpriced to drain everyone's bank account, I came to New chance to Roleplay and have enough Money to even get a car that I want and roleplay and mingle I only came here because a buddy of mine wanted me to come back to FiveM again after a 4 year break from it, Which I did but this buddy was with SOA and the most experience I had around here is that most of everyone is either A out to rob you and Kill you making you have to get off for an entire night because the EMS Department is on Strike because their Paychecks got nerfed, However since I joined after the first week I left SOA I got sick and Tired of the Bullshit of being constantly chased and murdered in cold blood for having some type of affiliation with them, Which brings me to another point, Because of being with SOA for a week it screwed me on making money every time I was basically forced to respawn due to the amount of EMS that are never active I've lost basically 300k worth of money to having to buy a Gun for every time I was forced to respawn. 
I have almost constantly no Money due to having to buy food, Gas, a gun for every time I die and am forced to respawn losing my entire inventory so I barely ever have enough money to feed myself, Last night I was piss poor broke for 2 hours and so I was forced to limp across the city which btw was not fun And yes I know I could have rented a Bike I did but I couldn't ride it why? Because being Dehydrate and Hungry apparently makes you a cripple somehow and unable to ride a bike, and if your fishing for 14 hours straight at night and you have a Salary job and a player is the starting rank in your Salary Job your also fucking them over as there is a forced clock in requirement or otherwise you get fired or questioned.

I did fishing for the same amount of time and barely had any fish so whatever your doing your hiding it from the new players giving them their time on the server as "No Chance" to make some nice money so they aren't poor.

Also as what your Argument for Chop Shop goes, Every list myself and people who I know who are new get every single god damn list that has a Car that always has a 0.01% chance of spawning and they would have canceled their list to go and make more money but they can't because they worry about losing the 2,500 Dirty money they need to reset the list due to getting robbed making money of Chop a more dangerous Business.

But to finally say, I shouldn't have to commit Crime just to make money on New chance period I shouldn't be forced to go and commit crime to make better money that a Salary Job should be able to provide, But the Salary Job for the lowest ranking players are unable to clock in ever because your fishing for 14 hours a night sort of screwing them over because they too require clock in hours so that way they don't get fired which doesn't help at all.

New Chance
Quote from MrDoge

ALSO May I suggest that the Subscription so to become a Dog on the server instead of tying it to a $60 Dollar Fee of every month why not make the Dog whitelist of $5 or $10 dollars or making it a one time charge instead of fucking my Credit Card until it asks you to stop or it will call the police.

This isn't something we will do because of the amount of issues/support that come with making someone an animal ped and also us wanting it to not be a very commonly seen thing in the server. This is something we only do for our biggest supporters as a bonus and a big thank you for their support. It is not a feature we ever want to be common place here.


^this fishy Honton guy p much stole my post XD

Stop waiting for a "Click E to have fun!" experience and find ways to use what's available in this giant sandbox. There's so much going on (races for example) that isn't even mentioned here. That's someone having an idea and running with it & I can assure you admins will help with this as much as possible if you open a ticket & ask. The thing is: you aren't going to find this stuff if you never stop grinding money to talk to people. I promise there's plenty of "stuff to do".

Also wanted to add:

1.  I've seen at least 3 player businesses post "Help Wanted" ads in the last week or so, that's another option

2. Fishing is a way to make decent money while hanging out, & for some kind of a RP lifestyle. If you're doing it alone for hours staring out to sea, yeah that's probably going to get boring for most people.

New Chance
  • Answer
  • Under review
But for things to do, can we please get a venue like a nightclub/bar/cafe thing that can have jobs or not; that is not player owned?

We have Taco Libre which is a public business that has 3 positions for players to clock in at and work. This also provides a place for people to hang out at in the city. We will be expanding on this public business type in the future so there are more opportunities for players to engage in this type of work.

Also why is there not req stuff?
  • Tennis
  • Basketball
  • Arm wrestling
  • Beer pong
  • Golf
  • Gym

This isn't as easy as just adding a new item to a store but we do have some of these new features in the dev pipeline and they will be coming in a future release, along with other recreational activities. Currently you can fish, which also makes you some money, scuba dive, parachute, hike, bike, and race so we do have activities out there for players.

Also can we get the pet store and purchasable pets?

We've been wanting to get a pet system for a while but most of them are either stolen from NoPixel and could risk us facing a DMCA and having our server violate FiveM TOS, or they're old outdated garbage. However, this is something we will be doing at some point once we find the right option or make our own.

And more solo job? Hot dog stand, etc. Stuff that you can work at reliably on your time to make some money.

You mentioned taxi and fishing only in your post so maybe you're not aware of all of the solo jobs we have available. As far as getting more solo jobs, yes there will be a lot more jobs coming with future releases but we don't want to continue to support solo only jobs on our roleplay server. There's not much roleplay benefit to playing this game solo... if that's what you're looking for this isn't the place for it. The jobs we are focusing on for the future will be a hybrid that will have interaction with others while also offering some solo ability. Even some of our current public jobs allow you to coop with friends, and reward you with more pay for doing so. These public jobs are available so you are not "forced to do criminal stuff just to make money" as they make a good amount and are legal which means you won't have the risk of being arrested and fined.

Public jobs - Minimum pay is $5000/hour (This will surely pay for a lot of noodles and gas while allowing you to save up for larger purchases)
Garbage (Unlimited and coop)
Taxi (Unlimited and solo)
Trucking (Unlimited and Coop)
Taco Libre (Limited to 3 clocked in)

Player owned businesses
I have no doubt you're right on these things. They take people to run them and are not open jobs for the public. Those owners have limited schedules and may never be online when you are. Just the nature of the game here guys... every business can't be open all the time. We have a requirement for them to meet and there are a larger number of businesses so they can hopefully all be active at some point during a time where some players are on the server. Therefore, its logical to expect this system to work the way it is where you see that some businesses are available and open while you are playing. Vanilla unicorn isn't officially owned and operated right now as its in a state of us decided how we can make it more of a public location.

The Economy

I understand why you're perplexed by the economy. It isn't an easy thing to wrap your head around. If you're thinking to yourself... I can buy an orange for 0.50 at the grocery store, why the hell is it $40 here?!!? I would ask yourself this... where can you make $5000/ hour picking up garbage?

This is my experience thusfar: - Sit here for a week after getting trained unable to clock in a lot of the time. - Try fishing but it's ZZZ- Sit around some more. - walk around and chat with cool people - Pay $200+ for gas with a $150 unemployment check. - Pay $40 for water and oranges, 200 for soba noodles, and 70-500 for a singular taco. Yes, real. This is the new player experience. Congrats.

Whitelist jobs
Training process needs work and is a problem.


Money isn't good enough.

- You're right and I'm going to make a small increase to help that.

Fishing is bored to some people.
-Agreed but there is money to be made.

Walk around and RP and meet cool people.

-Agreed and this is very important for a RP server.

Pay $200+ for gas with an unemployment check of $150.

-There are public jobs as outlined above to make much better money, however... $150 unemployment checks come every 10 minutes and a full take of fuel should easily last you more than 10 minutes of driving.

Pay $40 for water and oranges and 200 for noodles and 70-500 for a taco

-See above, the economy isn't based on the real world pay and costs. Show me a garbage driver making $5000/hr. Also, tacos are free at taco libre and the employee make a pay check so you don't need to pay them. If they won't give it to you free then go someone else for food, there are lots of other food places in town you just might have to ask around to find them.

Honton x

Reading all of these posts, I see alot of complaining about money, and also about not having alot to do, however, being a part of this city for over a year, the city is what you make it. Money comes with time, and you shouldn't expect to be making hella bank in such a short time. As for player owned businesses, they're PLAYER OWNED businesses, players with an entire life outside of the city. It's an issue yes, that alot of the time it seems like they're not open, but there are reasons for that. That's why the gov't put an activity minimum on businesses to ensure that they're at least opened once a week or so. If you happen to miss a businesses opening, it is what it is. You gotta lookout for when they are open; however in my experience, even when new people do go to Player Owned Businesses, they walk in, see whats on the menu and walk out or they do end up hanging around for a bit. Even without Player owned businesses, people are still able to CREATE areas to hangout and CREATE RP. If there are no events around, make one, that's the beauty of RP. Would it be nice to have minigames and other things to do in the city? Sure. But having these things wont give you the life changing experience I feel some of you are thinking. You want to hang out at a cafe? There's a Bean Machine open 24/7 right next to D8. You don't feel like clocking in to make money? Organize a group hike, try to find some jetskis and invite some friends, go bmxing. Take the initiative to create experiences in the city instead of blaming the other players who are content to what is provided in the city currently making the most to what they're given and especially our devs who definitely ARE working on the city and trying to get us to 1.0 without having to worry about a time limit as they have THEIR entire life to focus on as well. If things aren't up to par to what you're expecting, I'm sorry. But trust me, good things are definitely coming in the future, and that's not a cop out answer. It's a goddamn promise. You just gotta be patient enough to see it get here. Thanks for coming to my Honton talk.


Let me start off by saying, I understand how you feel. Being as I've only been in the city for a little over a month. I get it. Let me take a moment by saying I'm a person who, no matter what city I fly into or what game I am playing will ALWAYS test out every possible way to make money and time it to find out which takes the least time or which makes the most.

I have a salary job, but for me, I didn't take it or want it for the money. But I haven't been clocked in because I have been doing what makes the most amount of money, legally, to get the car I want. Am I mad about that? No. Disappointed? Somewhat. Personally, I think, due to the fact that we have to apply like an actual in-head job to get the position, after a certain point we should, at the very least, be making the same if not more than public jobs and active hobbies such as fishing. 

With that said, let me lay some facts down... can I make more money per hour doing any legal, public job (Including fishing) than clocking in to my salary job? Yes. Well, aside from 2 jobs and that's hauling and taco libre if there are no customers. New vehicle laws screwed up the trucks in a bad way when there's a trailer. Garbage? Roughly 5.5-7k per hour without additional selling. Uber eats? Even with the price changes? Definitely so long as you don't buy a certain super expensive item. Fishing? Absolutely. I get that it's boring as hell. I really do. I fished for 14 hours last night and got over 2100 fish, that wasn't 14 hours straight either, I took a few breaks. But don't sit there and tell me it makes no money. If you're taking more than an hour to catch 100 fish you're doing it wrong. It's $45 per fish, you do the math. Same with Taxi. You may not notice because locals pay with both card and cash.

Also, as far a chop shop goes, if you're taking more than a day to even get 2 or 3+ lists done, you're doing the wrong list. If you're doing it for money that is.

I also understand the frustration behind the player owned business, as having been an owner of a business myself, please understand from our/their point of view as well that the only way they make money is for people to be there. The business I used to own, I had it open for 8 hours one day and I only made 4k profit take home. After supplies. I truly mean 8 hours it was open. I sat there for 8 hours practically doing nothing making unemployment checks. Owning a business, right now, is a tad lackluster for owners as they don't get a salary, they gotta take the time to re-stock anything they sell. So it only makes sense to open for a few hours here and there. When I first bought the business I sold, it took me roughly 10 hours of back and forth to get 100 of every item. 8 of those hours I did solid. When I finally opened... it just wasn't what I was expecting. I knew someone who wanted it more than me so I sold it to them. But, the future looks promising for business owners.

Also, as I've stated previously, there are 2 bars (4 if you look hard enough) up North that are open 24/7 and could make for some good hangout sessions and RP experiences.


ALSO May I suggest that the Subscription so to become a Dog on the server instead of tying it to a $60 Dollar Fee of every month why not make the Dog whitelist of $5 or $10 dollars or making it a one time charge instead of fucking my Credit Card until it asks you to stop or it will call the police.


I Agree with @Chimera As I am also a new player to the City, there's nothing for me to do either other than illegally go chop cars for hours and sometimes never even come across a car I need on my chop list to earn the money, Last time I did Chop shop I had to wait 5 days until I found a Furore Car, And since all of the "Salary Jobs" got rinsed and lowered on pay its not even worth it to even have a Whitelist job either, Because they were lowered because people were "making too much money" Sure this makes sense on a Server that has like 250 players concurrent and never dropping a single digit, But here on New Chance, It doesn't really make sense as there's very little to do, and Personally , I don't want to waste my time on Fishing as it takes far too long to accumulate enough money to be comfortable and be able to afford a House. Don't get me wrong I love this server and its community with all of my heart, but the "Salary Jobs" need an increased pay because otherwise as a lowest ranking employee they make about as much as some gangbanger working at Taco Libre which is kinda sad tbqh, And this also shows that quite a dip in players has started to slowly increase, there was once a entire week where Crime was literally constantly happening and even the whole "SOA VS Will & Phil" Situation going on and no EMS or Police are on because they aren't getting paid enough or even above a guy making a Taco at Taco Libre. 

However, From all of this supposed "Content" I've been hearing that's in the city is very little or unknown because there is even people who hold all the cards to know what's going on, Just ask the Vagos "Give us $50K For us to tell you how to begin Making Cocaine or Meth" Yeah no hard pass, and having old players predating on newer players is pretty scummy. There's a bunch of ways to make money Im sure of it but everyone keeps it a secret and by keeping it a secret and considering it to be some type of "Metagaming" Rule is totally just like dumb because this is the Forums not me texting you in game.

Which makes new players leave because the insane prices on the Dealership Cars because the "Government" Wants to "Drain the Swamp" btw Drain the swamp is a Political Term used to getting rid of Corrupt people in the Government and not draining our bank accounts and paychecks to be as little as a Taco Libre Employee,

This also goes onto another problem, I'm currently in a "Salary Job" however there's something wrong, I cannot Clock in when I want because I have to have someone there to hold my hand the entire time and when they Clock out I gotta clock out, which is somewhat BS if anything, So its like I'm an Intern for LSMS for example but I cannot clock in unless someone is there to hold my hand like a 3 yr old going to the Grocery store with my mom, but Its a job that I was accepted into but I cannot clock in so that way Im doing my Job instead I'm sitting around in the City doing absolutely nothing that will allow me to earn Money for the job that I applied for, Instead I am not allowed to do anything with the job unless someone is there but, I can't get in the hours required because there is never a single person clocked in inside of that Department ever. Which hurts the Salary Jobs from getting new people because being a Criminal and Chopping Cars gets me more net worth than an actual Surgeon in real life, No Im not joking, last week I made over 250K in less that 48 hours, Yeah that's ridiculous but, Its also hurting newer people looking for a Community that isn't Nopixel.

And to include I heard about the Player limit was going to be increased on the first day I showed up in the City, But no news nothing has come from that, Otherwise stepping away from that part, Its hella hard to make any money in the city without doing constant illegal shit.

And to not speak about the player businesses I could probably go to hell for but, Places like The Vanilla Unicorn, Sanders Motors, Pegassi and so on are only open selectively which is horrible Any business that does that in Real life are expected to go down in flames just ask Gordon Fucking Ramsay, the Businesses that I see able to keep going are PDM, Pearls, Bahama mamas, Ground & Pound and Hookies.

You must be asking me why the hell I mentioned Pegassi, its because the workers are on at 6:00 A.M USA CST for about 10 minutes and then fuck off and do nothing else. Sanders Motors, The Owner "Choppa" I asked if he wanted to have some one hired to work there and he straight up told me to fuck off and not call him ever again, Truly Sanders is not gonna last long in its current state of Inactivity other than placing a new bike in the window once a month.

Vanilla Unicorn, I've never seen that fackin Place open Once since I have been here, and the Magic Pussy cat was open like once but its got new management and are hiring thank god.

Also I have a friend in California and I asked him how often they get Rain on average is 35 out of 365 days a year only 35 days worth, Its like fucking london here it Rains more than it does in Chicago Illnois and that's fucking bad At this point I'm surprised the mountains haven't became a Flat earthers Dream yet.

But there seriously needs to be some Pay raises so that way Salary jobs actually seem worth getting otherwise what's the fuckin point If an intern makes the same amount as a Taco Libre Employee.