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Not loosing items when being taken to ICU

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When EMS are in city and you are helped when down, you don't get ur items confiscated, so if checking in to ICU I don't think you should lose your things either. At the very least, you shouldn't be losing legal weapons like a pump or heavy pistol if you have a license for them.
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New Chance
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We will be keeping it this way. I could change it so EMS also confiscates your illegal items tho... I'll hold off however, because we want to encourage people to RP with our EMS. Thats WHY you get to keep your shit when they help you out. Its a reward for RPing with them. You're welcome ! :D

New Chance
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We will be keeping it this way. I could change it so EMS also confiscates your illegal items tho... I'll hold off however, because we want to encourage people to RP with our EMS. Thats WHY you get to keep your shit when they help you out. Its a reward for RPing with them. You're welcome ! :D

Quote from Ralph

I can understand why you might want this, but here are the reasons against this.

1) - There needs to be some form of penalty for "dying", well being downed. The US where LS is based, has extremely large medical bills, and 99% of the stuff people go in for, well you'd be walking away with a hefty bill. Now currently medical bills aren't a thing on New Chance, not to say they ever will be, but until then there has to be something in forms of a charge.

2) - If there is no charge like the above, there is no consequence to going down, therefore people value their lives less and there is a never ending shit show of RP.

3) - If there wasn't a consequence and EMS were online, people wouldn't wait for the RP. Currently having that charge in place, if EMS are around but slightly busy, people are more likely to stick in their downed state and provide a department with roleplay, because end result is they keep their items. Take that away and you take away their roleplay.


Things in favour of this?

1) - Yeah it is slightly odd, it really should be illegal items only such as the below, not items you'd realistically have on you.

- Illegal weapons

     - Drugs/Drug based accessories


Better improvements to the system?

Personally I want to see some form of penalty kept, but only if EMS are actively on duty, explained below.

If no EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items only when taking the local doctor.

If 1-2 EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items, 3% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS

If 3-5 EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items, 4% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS

If 6+ EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items and 5% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS.

If you get put into ICU via EMS

You should only lose illegal items, same as if there were no EMS on.

1. Then EMS would need to be able to travel long distances and not brush off the people who are downed far away. Especially if you would target a Bank Balance. 

2. Medical bill only effect people with no health insurance. 

3. The hospital doesn't care what you have on you, even if it is a pipe. They aren't going through your belongings, they aren't police officers. If this is in place just to take a loss of something its just a bad inconvenience. A local Doctor giving people a medical bill would make more sense. Bills should also then be able to make people go negative in their bank account.


Outside of some crazy ass narco-states or the like I can't imagine a hospital in the world that would send someone through their ICU with a gun.  They're going to call the police & then maybe you get the gun back after a nice long chat.

That being said, someone on scene would probably take the gun & possibly everything else you own depending on the circumstances.  Taking your gun and everything else on you to the hospital is often unavoidable, which I think is what makes it frustrating.  Yes robbing is a different topic but worth noting that there are other reasons to be able to take someone's items beyond mugging.

Also worth mentioning that another reason for Zonah to take your weapons is to keep people from hopping out of their ICU beds guns blazing.

Quote from Spooky👻

yeah i agree with this, but i think that if this is the case that people should be able to have their items either taken by another player (Stealing before or after downing) or by friends, because this isnt currently a feature, things like m4s, tecs and lmgs will rarely be seen now because there is too big a risk to lose the item, this should be in conjunction with being able to see peoples pockets.

But on the contrary that's how it should be, players should be scared there is a risk of losing an item. You shouldn't be casually walking around with M4's and LMG's as if it's the next COD. The losing items upon going into ICU is clearly doing as intended and controlling the stupidity.

In terms of robbing that's a whole other topic that should be in a different thread.


yeah i agree with this, but i think that if this is the case that people should be able to have their items either taken by another player (Stealing before or after downing) or by friends, because this isnt currently a feature, things like m4s, tecs and lmgs will rarely be seen now because there is too big a risk to lose the item, this should be in conjunction with being able to see peoples pockets.


I can understand why you might want this, but here are the reasons against this.

1) - There needs to be some form of penalty for "dying", well being downed. The US where LS is based, has extremely large medical bills, and 99% of the stuff people go in for, well you'd be walking away with a hefty bill. Now currently medical bills aren't a thing on New Chance, not to say they ever will be, but until then there has to be something in forms of a charge.

2) - If there is no charge like the above, there is no consequence to going down, therefore people value their lives less and there is a never ending shit show of RP.

3) - If there wasn't a consequence and EMS were online, people wouldn't wait for the RP. Currently having that charge in place, if EMS are around but slightly busy, people are more likely to stick in their downed state and provide a department with roleplay, because end result is they keep their items. Take that away and you take away their roleplay.


Things in favour of this?

1) - Yeah it is slightly odd, it really should be illegal items only such as the below, not items you'd realistically have on you.

- Illegal weapons

     - Drugs/Drug based accessories


Better improvements to the system?

Personally I want to see some form of penalty kept, but only if EMS are actively on duty, explained below.

If no EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items only when taking the local doctor.

If 1-2 EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items, 3% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS

If 3-5 EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items, 4% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS

If 6+ EMS are on duty.

You lose illegal items and 5% of your bank balance if you take local doctors instead of waiting for EMS.

If you get put into ICU via EMS

You should only lose illegal items, same as if there were no EMS on.