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Taco Libre Payments

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Taco Libre making $700 a paycheck is too much. The amount you make in tips is already extremely high. Some people make tens of thousands a night from being a cashier there. What you don’t make in paycheck is far hidden. You make thousands easily. 
how much should fast food pay?

If unemployment currently is $150 then it shouldn’t make anything over $350, or in my opinion $300. It’s a dead end job with no hiring requirements. Currently I pays as good as a white list job. It’s easy to do. It shouldn’t pay like a career job or owned business. You do get free food and good RP. Shitty pay is expected.

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New payment style at Burger Shot

Anyone who has worked at Burger Shot knows how this works. Everyone works but only the cashier makes the money. A good cashier will get tips and share among the other employees. However they aren’t obligated too. This can lead to over paying to extreme measures and other employees not knowing what was paid. Someone can give $10,000 for a few burgers(and yes it happens.) and not pay anyone equally. The register job needs to be updated to be an actual register. The cashier rings up the meal and the player pays. Maybe load the food into the counter like the burgers are loaded in the back. They pay $4 a meal and the workers there now make a decent $700 a paycheck. Burger Shot currently makes hand over fist on illegal or legal jobs because of tipping. This is why we have seen groups hoard the job more constantly since I’ve been in the city, which is just a few weeks. Sometimes a cashier working alone can make more than a white list job per hour due to tipping. This isn’t realistic at all to what it’s like working fast food. Hell you’d be lucky to get a $5 tip at a burger joint IRL. Those $100-$1000 regular payments add up fast during busy times. 
tldr; Make the cashier ring a register and not take money direct to a bank account. It should be a bill system at the least like LS Customs. Balance this job to be more in line with other basic jobs. Burger Shot makes more then selling bricks of drugs.

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New Chance
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A new public job system is being worked on that will include a more controlled method for money flowing through the job. Please visit our github page to follow updates on when these are implemented. You can find more information about this specific issue here: https://github.com/Senlar/ncrp_issues/issues/108

New Chance
  • Answer
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A new public job system is being worked on that will include a more controlled method for money flowing through the job. Please visit our github page to follow updates on when these are implemented. You can find more information about this specific issue here: https://github.com/Senlar/ncrp_issues/issues/108

Quote from New Chance

Funny, found an old feedback where you wanted to nerf Burgershot pay too. Merged it here.

There is no doubt i love the jobs. I really do. I always have worked them for the social environments. I think people should be paid honestly and fairly amongst everyone shopping. The only problem is I see so much money flowing through it. It hand over fists so many white list jobs. It should be a good job to work, but shouldn't be the job to make you rich. I like to work there for the free food and environment.

New Chance

Funny, found an old feedback where you wanted to nerf Burgershot pay too. Merged it here.

New Chance
  • Under review
Quote from TheAlphaStrain

That's actually really fair. I went down there last night to see if there was an open position, I saw cars in the parking lot but no one inside. So I walked in, walked in the back and there were 2 people just standing there. I asked if there was an opening and they didn't say anything. Didn't move. I didn't even see the mascot until I left because he was hiding. I think people are just clocking in to keep the positions filled at this point so no one else can.

If you see this happening report it to staff. They will be awarded with a 24 hour ban.

Quote from Moonchie

Yeah, I have noticed that a fair bit as well. Maybe even adding a shorter job related afk timer (3 mins?) that doesn't kick you but instead clocks you out and triggers the cooldown. That way people that are working there are more inclined to be there the whole hour instead of throwing attention elsewhere while collecting a check. Just a idea, but what you think?

How about instead of just a timer you get a task every so often like cleaning a table or taking out the trash XD


Yeah, I have noticed that a fair bit as well. Maybe even adding a shorter job related afk timer (3 mins?) that doesn't kick you but instead clocks you out and triggers the cooldown. That way people that are working there are more inclined to be there the whole hour instead of throwing attention elsewhere while collecting a check. Just a idea, but what you think?


That's actually really fair. I went down there last night to see if there was an open position, I saw cars in the parking lot but no one inside. So I walked in, walked in the back and there were 2 people just standing there. I asked if there was an opening and they didn't say anything. Didn't move. I didn't even see the mascot until I left because he was hiding. I think people are just clocking in to keep the positions filled at this point so no one else can.


The bill part is a great idea, but it wouldn't stop the customer from tipping separately. My personal opinion would be to keep the paychecks the same or similar. But to limit the hours you can be on the clock. Maybe 1 hour on and 2-4 hours off?


First time I worked there, in the first 4 minutes I got tipped 15k by one person and 2k by another lol. Luckily I was the only worker so I didn't need to split it lol


I agree whole heartedly. The update to the current business would be that the player gets a bill. Or they have to put in a payment.

I charge people $10 for 2 meals. They sometimes pay 2,000, 500, 1000, differs from person to person. I know i tip people myself but the rate at which people tip a food worker is insane.