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Separate Defense Lawyers & Prosecutors

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Was talking to a lawyer player & perhaps I misunderstood but I want to suggest that defense lawyers have their own practice. To me it seems like a conflict of interest to have the criminal defense attorneys under the prosecutor's office. The city probably doesn't need more than 2-3 prosecutors and they should be natural adversaries to anyone working as the defense.

I think it would encourage players to make use of lawyers & the court system if they didn't feel like their attorney was ultimately trying to win the favor of law enforcement & "switch teams".  Again, maybe I misunderstand how it works but this is what I've heard from a number of people as to why they don't bother invoking their right to an attorney.

Can someone from COSA clarify if I'm mistaken?

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New Chance
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Planned but need bodies


I personally have found the lawyers biased to the police side when there’s clearly a way to blag and play the ‘game’ to avoid punishments or at least get lesser punishment ect. I like this idea :)

I’m yet to see a motivated defence lawyer so a defence lawyer practice would be a good way of finding lawyers who specialise in that area. 

Following this I also think that things like name changes and other lawyer requests should deffinately not be able to be done by text. I think that’s a serious lack of immersion.

Shay Core

The best defense lawyer will become available soon ✌️😜 

Once there are a bunch of lawyers available I’m sure they will officially separate them. But for now no official separation... but trust bois 


While the idea is definitely something we want to bring to fruition. its currently hard seeing how we only have 2-3 lawyers that can clock in by themselves and are fully trained. Its still a growing department. Also there shouldnt be any lawyers bias to anyone, so if that happens be sure to open a service complaint so they can be dealt with. TLDR - Its the plan for the future, when the server is expanded to 100 pop and we have more trained lawyers :)


As a, hopefully, soon-to-be lawyer, I first want to say I understand us here at COSA want to be a team even though we may sometimes be working against one another in the future, but I can support this argument. At the same time I can't see how they could go about implementing it as it would almost have to be a separate whitelist job with its own ranks/pay as well. As it sits, the system is only setup for promotions within. I personally would be open to discussing this further though.

As for actual work, I don't have any experience in, but my thought process as a lawyer being called to defend someone is that the lawyer should be doing their utmost to best help their client. This will be my approach when the time comes: Make friends with the police OUTSIDE of doing your job. Get to know them. Help them out etc. That way, when the time comes for you to help your client, they'll hopefully know by that point that it's not personal. It's the job. It's MY job to poke holes in police report. It's MY job to use what my client has via statement/play-by-play/body cam footage and cross it with the police report to best determine what holes I can poke in it. It's not about the police, it's about helping your client. 

New Chance
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