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Criminal lifestyle and access to guns

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  • Under review

I think if there were less access to guns it would make things much better and more realistic so im thinking if maybe you removed access to buy guns from the gun store and make it where you either only get them from house robberies or if you wanna have one for protection maybe go through a process with PD so everything is legal and you wont use it for illegal activities (Robbing,shooting etc.) maybe by removing guns for everyones access it will cause more RP between gangs to fight it out with either bats knives or even a pool cue instead of just non stop shootings and if they do by chance come across a gun it will have limited bullets so you will use it smarter instead of just shooting anyone that says your car is ugly or outfit is ugly. I just feel like there could be better ways to handle things and bring a more enjoyable experience for the criminals and the cops and make the cops have to worry less about feeling they will be shot at for even the simplest traffic stop. Maybe in the long run add searching people an option and maybe set certain rules on it to prevent PD from becoming loot pools maybe by just not allowing cops to be searched physically only by /me. I have had a decent amount of friends come into the city and not be interested because certain criminal features are not in the server and i feel like if this was a thing it would bring a bigger audience.


Or, players could create their own businesses - ammunations. And they could sell weapons. How they get those weapons (by house robberies or other methods) it's up to them. So basically redirect this into an RP opportunity. [this implies that public Ammunations are shut down]

These guys could sell to people who don't have gun licences as well (their risk, better pay). And I agree with the idea of people having to get gun licences from LSPD, creates another RP opportunity.


If the only source of guns were burglary there would be no legal firearm ownership outside of PD because they would all be stolen property by default. In the scenario you're presenting criminals & PD would still have easy access to guns (from robbery, the black market, or the armory depending), while civilians would be required to jump through more hoops than either one simply to protect themselves. I fail to see how this is "more realistic", let alone desirable.  

If we're going to give a small set of players control over who has access to guns it needs to be a whitelisted job (with all that implies re: criminal record) at AmmuNation with very strict rules. Even then giving a select few people that kind of power seems like a bad idea. 

Quote from Zopfco

If the only source of guns were burglary there would be no legal firearm ownership outside of PD because they would all be stolen property by default. In the scenario you're presenting criminals & PD would still have easy access to guns (from robbery, the black market, or the armory depending), while civilians would be required to jump through more hoops than either one simply to protect themselves. I fail to see how this is "more realistic", let alone desirable.  

If we're going to give a small set of players control over who has access to guns it needs to be a whitelisted job (with all that implies re: criminal record) at AmmuNation with very strict rules. Even then giving a select few people that kind of power seems like a bad idea. 

I just think it’s less of an opportunity for shootings by making a loot table with a chance at getting a gun with a few bullets in it but making it rare so it’s not that often kind of like decryption keys. I’ve seen plenty of cases people just pulling out guns at burger shot because someone disagrees with them and I’ve also seen gangs shooting people for wearing a color they supposedly claim. I just feel like if there is less access too guns then more RP opportunities open up for example gangs can fight it out or even play dirty with bats or knives and just have some fun instead of turning it into a shootout and if someone has a gun with a few bullets in it they will use it wisely and for the right opportunity. I have also seen people just blatantly shooting at cops for little to no reason so it kind of eliminates that factor as well in my opinion. I understand the concept has a lot of different ways you can go about it but I just feel like having open access to buying guns is just asking for people too just go around shooting and doing whatever with no repercussions. 


Make guns and ammo more expensive and less variaty available at Ammonation maybe ? but I dont think we should make them only aquirable through criminal activites. Also with the new rule Improper Escalation it should in theory reduce shootouts over nothing.


having open access to buying guns is just asking for people too just go around shooting and doing whatever with no repercussions. 

I see these as two distinct separate problems.  The players themselves are the issue in that case, not the gun or how they got it.  If people are RDMing, failing to initiate PVP properly & so on the problem is not with gun access.

A weapons license is $10k and can be revoked.  If that's not happening in the case of every assault/murder conviction involving a firearm that's a failure of enforcement.  Start consistently taking people's gun license for using them improperly and they'll shoot less.

I have also seen people just blatantly shooting at cops for little to no reason

Again this seems like more of an OOC server rules issue that's outside of any gun meta.  If people are doing that they probably shouldn't be here in the first place IMO.  

FWIW I really liked the idea of player-owned AmmuNations (or other gun shop), I've said a few times I'd love to have one of my characters become a gunsmith.  I think as a secondary market for used guns & the option of gun mods this would be great.  Generally speaking though I'm against whitelisting access to things like this, particularly on the criminal side. 

Quote from Zopfco

having open access to buying guns is just asking for people too just go around shooting and doing whatever with no repercussions. 

I see these as two distinct separate problems.  The players themselves are the issue in that case, not the gun or how they got it.  If people are RDMing, failing to initiate PVP properly & so on the problem is not with gun access.

A weapons license is $10k and can be revoked.  If that's not happening in the case of every assault/murder conviction involving a firearm that's a failure of enforcement.  Start consistently taking people's gun license for using them improperly and they'll shoot less.

I have also seen people just blatantly shooting at cops for little to no reason

Again this seems like more of an OOC server rules issue that's outside of any gun meta.  If people are doing that they probably shouldn't be here in the first place IMO.  

FWIW I really liked the idea of player-owned AmmuNations (or other gun shop), I've said a few times I'd love to have one of my characters become a gunsmith.  I think as a secondary market for used guns & the option of gun mods this would be great.  Generally speaking though I'm against whitelisting access to things like this, particularly on the criminal side. 

"having open access to buying guns is just asking for people too just go around shooting and doing whatever with no repercussions."

Not at all, its the quality of role play what needs to improve from people doing such things. You can get in shoot outs etc there just has to be a good reason for it.

Police should  be taking weapons licenses.

Increasing cost of public firearms and the implementation of more melee weapons and the fighting script should help negate the gun play.

- Player owned Ammunations and other business has always been the plan and the rest you listed has always been planned/already implemented somewhat.


"maybe set certain rules on it to prevent PD from becoming loot pools maybe by just not allowing cops to be searched physically only by /me." PD cannot be searched and it is already a server rule "PD are not loot boxes"

Gun are not the problem. I do agree that should be more expensive though.

New Chance

All of this is great discussion and I’d like to add one of my ideas to the table.

I agree that open and easy access to weapons is problematic, that’s why we have the weapons license costing 10k. I also agree that we should be looking at ways to limit this without punishing the general public by making it hard to defend themselves. We all know how testy the locals are and also animals.

So here a potential solution that will allow us to restrict access to crims and not public. Use criminal records to determine if they can buy guns or not. Got a violent weapon related crime on record? No Ammunation guns for you. Turn over a new leaf and cleaned up your act? Visit the courts to request them to seal your record to hide it from the gun stores and restore your access. That way people who used to do crime can still have that storyline of leaving that life behind.

Use criminal records to determine if they can buy guns or not

So if you lose that weapons license you can't just go buy a new one? Seems reasonable & would create more black market interactions.

Forensics tied to individual weapons would be interesting but assigning serial numbers & collecting evidence would be a big addition & have to mesh with a lot of different things beyond gun sales. Still, the threat of a carried gun connecting someone to a previous crime would be its own deterrent.

New Chance
  • Under review