The deafening Storm
So Since I have come back there has been a storm added to the weather cycle and as much as I love the variety in weather the storm is so loud it honestly makes me want to not play in the city for the 15/20/25min it lasts. Just today I crashed my car called for roadside and they got to me extremely quickly it went from us 3 all having a joke and talking perfectly to not being able to hear any of them. It completely ruins everything imo and having it be just as obnoxiously loud inside most buildings kills emersion. If the volume can be turned down manually (I realise it can be turned down in the settings but that also turns other sounds down... so doesn't fix the problem at all!) then turn it down by 90% (No joke) or just remove it at this point. It really really kills the city for me and ive been around a long time so I can forgive it, but if it was a city i was brand new to it would 100% turn me away
This has been completed, storms are gone.