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Active Situation Ruling

  • updated

Active Situation ruling: Do not involve yourself in an ongoing police situation including but not limited to: Arrests being made, Police Chases, Active Shootouts, Escorting Criminals into the stations or booking them into the cells UNLESS you were involved from the start of the RP engagement. (There are times and places for this. Use your smarts. Do not camp hospitals/police stations/other services or public hubs, treat these areas as fully staffed.) You must also have proper initiation to get back involved, IE: not just immediately shooting from a distance.

I feel like this rule should only apply once they're inside the cop car if they are making an arrest. LSPD/SASP should call in for back up if they are in a dangerous area for a long time or out numbered making an arrest instead of hiding behind Active Situation Ruling. This rule diminishes the usefulness of good radio communication on both sides, because no matter how synergized you guys are as a team you can't do anything to help if you weren't in the initial interaction so the whole "use your smarts" part is kind of out the window if you're forced to just sit and watch regardless. And it makes it to where cops don't need to call in for back up almost ever during an arrest even if it's unrealistically located/their outnumbered because this rule is a thing. It really dulls strategic plays, diminishes the usefulness of radios, and breaks immersion from how unrealistic it makes situations.


I would argue that if you are on the radio and someone involved calls for back up, or you witness the arrest being made, you are " involved from the start of the RP engagement"

I can see that cops are particularly vulnerable with a suspect in transit since they are unable to fire from their vehicles.


Yeah, once they're in the PD vehicle cuffed it's case closed, done deal at that point. But anything prior I feel like should be doable with proper radio call outs and team work. And not interfering with PD vehicles while in transit with a suspect, I 100% agree brother. I feel like having this rule re worked would build a lot of RP for both sides and make things a little more exciting from time to time, away from the bread and butter arrest into prison RP.