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Make Fishing Great Again

  • updated

This came up before as part of a different thread and the answer was:

"Fishing is a hobby, not a way to make a living. It shouldn't earn as much as a job. Its not a job..."

My question is:  Why not?

There were at least 2 distinct different communities of fisherfolk at one point  (canals & dam).   It brought people together, supported spin-off RP (eg, Lenny's food truck RIP) & didn't really make an exorbitant amount of money considering the investment in time & money (buying bait etc) compared to other public jobs - nowhere near what a busy shift at Taco Libre could pull in.

It was nice knowing one could head to a popular fishing spot and find people to hang out with while making a decent income. New people would find their way there & were welcomed to the city.  It was a focal point creating RP.

Now we have boats, oceanside businesses, maybe an improved fishing system coming..  Yet the fishing community was effectively killed when the sale price was cut by 1/3rd. I rarely see anyone fishing, let alone a group.

So respectfully, I ask again; why should fishing not be a viable job?

New Chance

Because its not a job is a hobby. Unless you want me to add an actual fishing job where you work for a specific business fishing...

New Chance
Quote from New Chance

Because its not a job is a hobby. Unless you want me to add an actual fishing job where you work for a specific business fishing...

Gets fishing pole, bait, and heads to water to fish. Not a job.
Goes to work, clocks in, gets work supplies, catches fish, gives fish to employer, clocks out. Job
Gets fishing pole, bait, and heads to water to fish then sells fish to local businesses. Self Employment, but not officially a job still.

Quote from New Chance

Because its not a job is a hobby. Unless you want me to add an actual fishing job where you work for a specific business fishing...

Because its not a job is a hobby

That's semantics. It's whichever you want it to be. Practically speaking the difference was 20 bucks.  Where's the harm in it? 

an actual fishing job where you work for a specific business fishing...

I don't know why that's necessary but if it would restore the community of people fishing together, heck yeh. Hanging out on the docks, smellin a lil' briney. OK!  (picturing something like the trash job crew but on a tug & that's pretty cool)

Morgan Jones

If it was a hobby and people enjoyed it they would still be doing it, now the money has been cut no one is fishing??

surely this proves that people were doing it for money.

Also when you’re trying to sell stuff getting offered fish 24/7 was annoying guess that might just be me.

Quote from Zopfco

Because its not a job is a hobby

That's semantics. It's whichever you want it to be. Practically speaking the difference was 20 bucks.  Where's the harm in it? 

an actual fishing job where you work for a specific business fishing...

I don't know why that's necessary but if it would restore the community of people fishing together, heck yeh. Hanging out on the docks, smellin a lil' briney. OK!  (picturing something like the trash job crew but on a tug & that's pretty cool)

Fishing crew jobs on a tug boat is a pretty cool idea! Never been too big into fishing myself, but I can see the appeal in that one for sure!


I still love fishing, just wish the mechanics of it were a little different and different fish.

 I would like to see different species of fish at different prices. Rare fish are high price like 100 per fish but the spawn rate is low. Specially with all the boats now in city think it would be nice, an have people in city start up private fishing charters.