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Fall of Criminal Activities? Imbalanced Economy Incoming?

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With all recreational criminal outlets now nerfed (600-800 per car/8k per brick) why would people risk doing anything criminal for more than the thrill of doing so now? Especially with the forced fines coming into play. Because now its to the point that you can sit at Taco Libre and make as much if not more money with no risk, doing close to nothing. Will the gang clock in function make up for it? In addition, with the crim price nerfs does that mean that the people who made all their money back when drugs were selling on the street for 20-25k will just sit on their wealth knowing it will be close to impossible for someone to achieve that same said wealth without putting in 3-4 times more time and effort? I find it a bit unfair that these people can sit on all this money because prices were slashed into fractions of what they once were. Like I said in the previous post, im just worried about the ecosystem of it all. And seeing these changes and hearing how people have been feeling has me worried to no end. I feel like we deserve some public clarification on the new changes considering that they are big enough to impact this city in a extraordinary way, be that negative or positive.


If you are worried about the economy...it's already shot. With the car price changes and being able to sell cars back to vapid, the rich only got richer. Making money selling the exact same car back to the dealership makes 0 sense. I've heard people making upwards of 1,000,000 profit just from selling their cars back. And as for the cut prices for drugs, fishing and jobs, along with the increase pay for food and still insanely high AND BUGGY gas prices, the working man only got poorer. Classic rich get richer and poor get poorer. :/


Im all for high risk, high reward. But it seems as if the risk is going up while the reward plummets. If anyone disagrees feel free to add something.