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Fall of Criminal Activities? Imbalanced Economy Incoming?

  • updated

With all recreational criminal outlets now nerfed (600-800 per car/8k per brick) why would people risk doing anything criminal for more than the thrill of doing so now? Especially with the forced fines coming into play. Because now its to the point that you can sit at Taco Libre and make as much if not more money with no risk, doing close to nothing. Will the gang clock in function make up for it? In addition, with the crim price nerfs does that mean that the people who made all their money back when drugs were selling on the street for 20-25k will just sit on their wealth knowing it will be close to impossible for someone to achieve that same said wealth without putting in 3-4 times more time and effort? I find it a bit unfair that these people can sit on all this money because prices were slashed into fractions of what they once were. Like I said in the previous post, im just worried about the ecosystem of it all. And seeing these changes and hearing how people have been feeling has me worried to no end. I feel like we deserve some public clarification on the new changes considering that they are big enough to impact this city in a extraordinary way, be that negative or positive.

Quote from El Blanco

I know my case isnt the average, but im still clearing ridiculous drug profits post nerf.

You have the established network, grind, ties, and a lot of people know to go to you. And you also have the resources to sell multiple bricks along with selling on the street. But a lot of people can't get the prices you get from it considering you have the luxury of getting it at such a rate you can resell brick to others. I give it to ya 100% though, you're the main if not only person I see really selling drugs at this time as far as bricks go. You keep that element alive in a way, and I appreciate the hell out of that man, for real.

Quote from El Blanco

I know my case isnt the average, but im still clearing ridiculous drug profits post nerf.

Exactly, put some thought into the game or anything you pursue instead of saying this isn’t fair to new people who come in and see people with wealth or you just want to wipe … which tbh any server you go to, there is always going to be people with wealth, should motivate you instead of de motivating you. I’d hope you wouldn’t go to other servers and say “ hey there are people that made wealth off this particular whatever so it isn’t fair or maybe you should just wipe the server “ who cares about the people who have been here since day one putting numbers in the city when we went crazy when 10 people were in the city and tbh you all think the criminal stuff was just flourishing back then, well bad news for ya we had literally drugs and the locals now these days buy nearly 4x now from when did it and it wasn’t a quick process making that correction 16-24k, locals take that stuff in more bulk and seems easier now. 

Quote from El Blanco

I know my case isnt the average, but im still clearing ridiculous drug profits post nerf.

Without going into too much detail, is this because of scale?

El Blanco

I know my case isnt the average, but im still clearing ridiculous drug profits post nerf.

Should I just delete people's bank accounts? Should I just delete people's houses if they're "too rich"

I know that was facetious but.. maybe?

If by "people" you mean everyone & "too rich" meaning you can keep one house & one business.. Money and all items including cars go poof..  Hell yeah. Push the button.

To be clear; I don't think this should happen now while major changes are still happening and things that will have a big impact on the economy are still being implemented (the banking system being the tip of that iceberg.)

But I 100% accept that it should happen.


"Would you rather we just throw our hands in the air and say... Eff it, everyone have a million dollars!" Come on now, of course not. But how is the new player going to feel coming into the city hearing that everyone got their excessive wealth doing the same thing he's doing but getting paid 4-5 times more? He wouldn't feel too motivated. I honestly say if you can't do a soft reset, revert chop and make 15k street brick prices while upping the housing/car market by a small bit. You're already doing the bump for white list jobs, might as well help the other side at the same time considering the server has a pretty healthy split of white list jobs and criminals. 

Quote from New Chance

Yes, there was an unintended consequence of car sales back to vapid netting people gains on old car purchases.
Cutting prices for drugs, fishing, and jobs is about trying to balance our "already shot" economy. Would you rather we just throw our hands in the air and say... Eff it, everyone have a million dollars!

Increase prices for food... the old prices were so inconsequential they needed to be raised. Seriously... $4? How do you think $4 even compares to an income of $5k/hour that all jobs make at a minimum.

Garbage job, Taxi, Trucking, Uber Eats, Taco Libre, AND FISHING even after the nerf: 5-6k / hour salary
Whitelist jobs are getting a buff today to bring them inline with a range of: 5400 - 7000 before management ranks

This is all part of an ongoing effort to assess and update the economy. We're not done, we're looking at everything and will be continuing to make adjustments to the economy along the way. There's not a lot we can do about the long term wealth. Should I just delete people's bank accounts? Should I just delete people's houses if they're "too rich"?

How am I supposed to tell someone who's played here for 1.5 years "Hey man, thanks for playing but you're too rich. I'm gonna need to remove some of your wealth."

Yes I feel like giving everyone 1 million dollars would be amazing 


I suggested a partial wipe before but most were dead set against it. I agree these changes kind of seem like closing the barn door after the stampede.

New Chance

Yes, there was an unintended consequence of car sales back to vapid netting people gains on old car purchases.
Cutting prices for drugs, fishing, and jobs is about trying to balance our "already shot" economy. Would you rather we just throw our hands in the air and say... Eff it, everyone have a million dollars!

Increase prices for food... the old prices were so inconsequential they needed to be raised. Seriously... $4? How do you think $4 even compares to an income of $5k/hour that all jobs make at a minimum.

Garbage job, Taxi, Trucking, Uber Eats, Taco Libre, AND FISHING even after the nerf: 5-6k / hour salary
Whitelist jobs are getting a buff today to bring them inline with a range of: 5400 - 7000 before management ranks

This is all part of an ongoing effort to assess and update the economy. We're not done, we're looking at everything and will be continuing to make adjustments to the economy along the way. There's not a lot we can do about the long term wealth. Should I just delete people's bank accounts? Should I just delete people's houses if they're "too rich"?

How am I supposed to tell someone who's played here for 1.5 years "Hey man, thanks for playing but you're too rich. I'm gonna need to remove some of your wealth."


Oh they hit fishing too?! Didn't know that one, thats wild. So how will this even get balanced? Maybe implement a soft economical reset once the new changes launch? For example, 20k baseline for players under 200k, and then for the people above 200k, leaving them with 30% of their total wealth on launch of the new functionality to represent the new prices set in play? But then how would all the buildings and cars work? Because once people know about the soft economical reset they will just buy houses and buy out vapid for a half return on their funds compared to 30% they would get. If anyone has any alternative ideas, feel free to add them! This was just a on the spot idea I figured I would throw out there.