Criminal RP
I wanted to shoot a few ideas here *disclaimer* I KNOW that there is going to be A LOT of more crim stuff coming in 1.0
I think adding a variety of drugs could be added as i've seen people post before oxys LSD etc it creates more RP more stuff to do other than just whats available in city right now.
Next.... i know some people are against this but Bank Robberies this is something i would love to get to do it creates rp not only for a few crims but also a few PD i know it sucks for people that would get taken hostage and we dont want it turning into NP public where people are getting kidnapped left right and centre
But my main idea was something along the lines of a criminal business like an empire kind of thing i know there may be plans for this but stuff such as ranks for your empire etc people who sell certain product for you people who transport it for you.
This could create massive RP between the gangs in the city, people wanting to be at the top people wanting to stay quiet doing their thing.
Within these Drug/Criminal business you could earn progress to unlock more things to speed up production/quantities.
Making of weapons and guns / c4 / m4s / shotguns etc. and with this you will need to involve other criminals to make this work.
This is just a rough idea of a few things i want to see as i want more crim stuff it's the RP i enjoy the most
Feel free to post feedback
Yes, not exactly but yes.