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Reduce hitbox racing waypoints

  • updated

Right now when racing using the F4 racing script, the waypoints you set and have to hit are like twice as big as the waypoint visually is. Right now it is hard to force people to take a corner the way you as racetrack creator intended. I would like to have the hitbox of the waypoint to be as big as it visually shows to the racer when driving on the track.

There are a couple things that could be improved like for example being able to set laps for a track you create. Currently you have to set waypoints to create a second or a third lap which is a very painfull process since you can not put waypoints on the same spot and editing waypoints after the fact is impossible because the script thinks you are trying to set the last waypoint instead of being able to edit lets say waypoint #34, it will put down waypoint #68 if you already have #67 waypoints.

Not sure how hard this is to implement but my main question is to make it so the visual of the waypoint matches the actual hitbox.


Aside from the size of the waypoints. I'd like to focus more on having more laps, this can be added into the current start race menu in which you choose the wager amount and the start lap delay. You could probably set the number of laps in this screen as well.

Another quality of life change that I'd like to see is the ability to tell your current position on track and your current checkpoint and lap.