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New Job Suggestion: Gold Miner (go anywhere outside city job)

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Quick and simple.

Player needs a license to collect gold from the land.

Player goes to new store that involves mining.

Player buys pan and small shovel, and bottles of water. There could be other suggestions like a bucket or backpack for more dirt and gold.

Player drives outside the city to find randomly placed gold.

Player goes into the woods, shovel prompts "Dig here?" and chooses yes.

Player random% of player saying "Now this is some pay dirt. Lets collect more." ... or "This dirt is awful. Move on."

If player gets good pay dirt - they put it in their pack. 

If player find at least 2 stacks of pay dirt they can use the pan to sift for gold. 

They can go to a lake. Or use bottles of water.

You can create a mini game of sifting or just a random% of gold comes out.


The price of gold is like stock - it moves a lot. Maybe an app on their phone can tell them the price. It would update every hour.

If the player wants to sell - they would mail it in. They would need to go to buy a mail package from a store and drop it off at a mailbox or collecting site.

One thing we cannot do is have a jeweler collect it because I can see people getting kidnapped...

Questions? Please ask.

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New Chance
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No thanks, I don't like grindy jobs.

New Chance
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No thanks, I don't like grindy jobs.